last night a dj saved my life
With the internet allowing the quasi-legal (or illegal) easy access to tons of "free" mixing and recording software (hell, you can buy the stuff for a fairly reasonable price), as well as accappellas of songs that were previously only available on 12" records, with a little effort, pretty much anybody can re-tune their favourite tracks. This can, of course, lead to someone throwing an overly sped up Beyonce vocal track over some poorly arranged fruity loops, but it can also produce some of the best remixes that most people (unfortunately) will never hear (not to mention some of the best remixes that you will hear, shortly). You most likely won't hear Poj Masta thrown around with Kanye or Diplo, or even Maurice Fulton or Jacques Lu Cont... but you should be.
I could try describing some of this, but your ears are much better than my words. So without further ado, here are a few of my favourites...
Poj Masta glitches out M.I.A.'s 10 Dollar
Siik gives my second favourite single of the year the laid back treatment.
agentlovelette makes Stillettos by Crime Mob danceclubable... well, maybe if you go to really hip dance clubs.
Canada's own Cadence fucking Weapon turns Ghostface's Save Me Dear on its head. This is probably my favourite of the bunch. Look for his album to drop soon, and pick up his mixtape while you're waiting. He also has a blog.
Another Canadian (and Vancouverite to boot) and more MIA... Paul Devro redoes Bucky Done Gone. Paul D spins at Shine on Fridays, Club 686 on Thursdays, Shine on Tuesday for Grime Sessions.
And finally, one more MIA track. Don (as far as I know, it's just Don) makes Sunshowers go all 8-bit Nintendo.
Again, these are just a few of a ton of exceptional unofficial remixes floating around, if you dig around on the internet you're sure to find some more. Get Your Bootleg On is a good place to start.
now playing: Daft Punk - Robot Rock (Poj Mix)
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
personality crisis
The New York Dolls play the Commodore on September 1st. There's a presale on now through House of Blues if you sign up as a "member" (for their newsletter). Regular on-sale starts Friday at 10am. Tickets are $32.50 + charges.
The previously mentioned Garbage show is also on presale through HoB, with the regular on-sale starting Friday at 10am. Tickets are a whopping $40 + charges. ouch.
It's not nice to laugh at the misfortune of others, but sometimes... well, you just have to. "BE SAFE OUT THERE PEOPLE!" (via Stereogum)
Artblot was kind enough to write Sunday's Sufjan Stevens setlist down for your benefit.
Speaking of, Sufjan has a fansite now. (via My Mean Magpie)
My fondness for Matthew Good has waned over the years, but the video for his new single, Oh, Be Joyful, is funny as hell.
Finally, has anybody seen any of the following records that I can't seem to track down anywhere in Vancouver? the Hold Steady - Seperation Sunday, Charlotte Hatherley - Grey Will Fade, Jamie Lidell - Multiply. I suppose I could always order them online, but any direction to actual record stores that carry these fine releases would be helpful and appreciated.
now playing: Whiskeytown - Pawn Shop Ain't No Place for a Wedding Ring
Monday, July 25, 2005
come on feel the illinoise!
If you were lucky enough to be there, how awesome was Sufjan Stevens last night? I was a little surprised that the show sold out, and even more surprised (nay, shocked) that a mere 45 minutes after doors opened, the front of stage area was packed. Well, the man and his band lived up to expectations and then some. The cheers, the uniforms... and the most importantly the music. With 7 or 8 people crammed up on stage the songs (mostly from Illinois) soared... and oh, that voice. "Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us!" was a personal highlight, as well as the first song of the encore, a cover of "the Star Spangled Banner," introduced as "a traditional song."
Liz Janes, who also played in the "illinoisemakers" (Sufjan returned the favour my drumming for her) opened the show. To be brief, the apple doesn't fall far from the bandmate tree, although I must say I was way more impressed with the more "traditional" folk tunes, the last number in particular. Definitely worth checking out.
Pics and hopefully some video to come. In the meantime, here's the video (.avi) to go along with the .mp3 of Feist's Conan performance from a couple weeks ago.
download: Feist - Mushaboom (live on Conan - video)
Shows! Shows! Shows!
I'm not at all embarrassed to say that I am absolutely hyped to see Gwen Stefani and M.I.A. at GM Place on November 20th, especially since Maya's North American headlining tour is only coming as close as SanFrancisco. Shit will be bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s!
Garbage drop in on Vancouver for the first time in years (at least eight, maybe more). They play the Commodore on August 30th.
Last, but certainly not least, UBC's Alma Mater Society continues the turnaround from breadrock stomping ground to hipster paradise (and I'm not just saying that because I'm friends with the guy doing the bookings). Firstweek (Froshweek for you out-of-province folk) boasts Buck 65 on September 8th, the Weakerthans on the 9th, and Metric on the 10th. Even more exciting is the fact that Metric will be rocking a room less than half the size of the Commodore, which you may recall they packed to the gills last April. I haven't asked whether the shows are open or closed/students only or not, but I'll keep those of you who aren't trapped within the walls of academia posted.
now playing: Sleater-Kinney - Get Up
Sunday, July 24, 2005
no cars go
An update of sorts on the status of the upcoming Arcade Fire show. Apparently the Simon Fraser Student Society scored the contract to set up the concert. Unfortunately, they ran into the "minor" difficulty of not checking to see whether they could secure an appropriate venue or not. This led to an attempt to book T-Bird stadium (which holds 10-20 THOUSAND people) before the contract got axed on Friday. Hopefully someone else picked up promotional/booking duties... hopefully someone who knows something about putting on a show... and hopefully someone who isn't going to put the band in Burnaby.
Speaking of Student Societies, while I can't give out the band info just yet, I can say that the series of three concerts out at UBC during the first week of school (Sept 6-10) is going to be fabulous.
Death Cab for Cutie play the Commodore on October 3rd and 4th with Aussies Youth Group. I had heard that they were going to tour with Stars, but evidentally that's not the case... which is fortunate for me, since I love Stars, but hate Death Cab, and really didn't want to buy a ticket just to see an opener.
Henry Rollins does his spoken word thing at the Vogue on November 14th.
Finally, everybody head over to FluxBlog to download the Helen Love single Matthew has up. It's 3 minutes of perfect sunshiney pop. On that note, you really should be checking out FluxBlog all the time.
now playing: Helen Love - Debbie Loves Joey
Friday, July 22, 2005
a conjunction of drones
Anybody have an extra ticket for Sunday's Sufjan Stevens show?
A friend of mine thought I got her a ticket for some reason, and was sadly mistaken... so if you can help her out and hook her up with a ticket, that would be swell.
email: quinn.omori AT gmail
now playing: Ghostface Killah - Buck 50
Thursday, July 21, 2005
needy girl
Chromeo plays Celebrities on August 18th. This will be all kinds of fun. In fact, if you don't go, you'll have to listen to all your friends tell you about it. You don't want that do you? I don't even like Chromeo that much, but if the combination of disco-punk and gay bar aren't a winning one, I dunno what is.
Apparently Chromeo (or their new single anyhow) is also featured in a McDonald's commercial. I'm.. umm.. lovin' it?
Son Volt rolls into town on September 5th. The other half of Uncle Tupelo brings his band to Richard's.
Wolf Parade is the opening act on the Arcade Fire's Fall tour. There's still no venue set for the Vancouver date, but they could play in Hell and it'll still be worth going for those two bands.
Things I'm probably going to waste gasoline on:
Idlewild play Neumo's in Seattle on September 30th. (anybody want a FourTet ticket?)
Calexico and Iron and Wine play the Moore Theatre on October 22nd in support of their forthcoming EP. I heard a rumour awhile back that the Shins might support on the West Coast as well, which would be epic. They've got four days off between Seattle and Denver, so cross your fingers for a Vancouver date.
the NME reports that Spiritualized's Jason Pierce is recovering from an (as yet unspecified) illness that almost claimed his life. I hope you join me in wishing him a full and speedy recovery.
edit: Most Serene Republic play the Media Club August 10th.
now playing: the Hold Steady - Hornets! Hornets!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
une annee sans lumiere
My French prof would've been horrified with the lack of accents in the title, but such is life with Blogger.
the Arcade Fire make thier triumphant return to Vancouver at a venue TBA on October 7th. Taking a look at the other venues they're playing on this tour, I'd venture a guess that the Orpheum would be a safe bet if it isn't already booked that day. I'll make sure I get the ticket info up here asap after it's announced, as you'll want to jump on this one quickly. You may recall that they sold out both the Commodore and Mesa Luna with almost zero advertising last December, and that was before the videos charting on Much, and whatnot. Unfortunately, this is the same day as the Coup show... argh.
Nada Surf play the Media Club on October 18th. (from More Cowbell)
Couldn't find the new Sufjan Stevens anywhere? Don't want to shell out the $22+taxes at Virgin for it? Can't wait til Asthmatic Kitty gets the reissue (sans Superman) out? Well, you can sleep a little easier. PrefixBlog reports that Illinois will be for sale at the merch booth on Sufjan's current tour (that hits Vancouver this Sunday). $10us... so probably $15cdn... sweet deal.
the Hold Steady are on Conan tonight. Hopefully, I'll actually remember to watch, unlike last night when I went to bed before Nellie McKay's performance on Kilbourn.
now playing: Spiritualized - Oh Baby
Monday, July 18, 2005
can you do that dance?
Pink Mountaintops (aka Black Mountain aka Jerk With a Bomb) play Pat's Pub this Saturday (July 23rd) with other local faves Book of Lists. Check them out before they morph back into Black Mountain and head out to open for Coldplay on their North American tour. That's right, Coldplay... they're hittin' the big time. There's no way those X&Y fans are ready.
Some kind soul posted the recent Vancouver appearance of Rilo Kiley over at DimeaDozen.
ProductShopNYC gives us the lowdown on the new Smiths inspired musical, Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others... this can't be a good idea.
Kyle posted the dates for Daniel Lanois' Fall tour. He plays the Commodore on October 17th. Tortoise open the show, and then serve as Daniel's backing band.
Question: any Canadians out there tried out (and actually received the goods from) since it's been opened up to our fair nation? Frankly, I'm quite happy lugging my discman around, but a free ipod is a free ipod.
now playing: Broken Social Scene - Backyards (live at the Harbourfront 8-27-04)
Saturday, July 16, 2005
one evening
I heard (but couldn't see) Feist last night. When Ms. Leslie comes back to town in September I'll happily lay down the money, but I really couldn't justify spending the $40 to attend FolkFest, when I had little interest in anyone else on the bill. That being said, sitting on a bench amongst the rabbits that are everywhere at Jericho ain't that bad a way to take in a show. She played a couple of new tunes, and also "covered" an unreleased song by her other band.
download: Broken Social Scene - Major Label Debut (live on XFM)
Speaking of the Scene, the Brooklyn Vegan, Chromewaves, Pop Wherry, and ILM all talk about two members' legal troubles in New York this past week. I don't even recommend buying pot at the corner of Granville and Robson, doing it in NYC is a definite no-no.
Local musician-come-political-blogger, Matthew Good is set to release his forthcoming retrospective, In a Coma, on September 20th. Word on the street is that it will include three cds (one of which contains newly recorded acoustic recordings of older songs) and a dvd. Look for the requisite cross Canada jaunt, and possibly Matt making a solo trek to show off his songs in a more stripped down setting in the Fall.
Finally, if you're not working like me tonight, I suggest heading over to the Railway Club to check out Boompa's presentation of the Ladies and Gentlemen, Catlow, and Bontempi. Apparently the Railway has tasty food now too. Apologies for not mentioning it earlier, but I didn't find out til today.
now playing: the Ladies and Gentlemen - Threw It All Away (streaming from their website)
Friday, July 15, 2005
tournament of hearts
The Globe and Mail talks blogs and interviews the man behind best goddamn music blog in the country. (via Largeheartedboy)
The forthcoming record by the Constantines (the last one ever on Three Gut) is making the rounds on the internet... months and months ahead of the October 11th release date. Tournament of Hearts is reminding me of the other big Canadian leak, the New Pornographers' Twin Cinema. Not because they sound alike, but because both records seem a bit more subdued and less immediate than their respective predecessors. After a couple of listens, I'm sold, however. I've always favoured the Cons' selftitled debut over the (also great) Shine a Light, but I could see this record becoming my favourite of the three. I, of course, wouldn't leave you completely in the dark, so here's a little sample of the record you should rush out to buy in three months. I was going to post the superb "Soon Enough," but I'm putting "Draw Us Lines" up instead. If you were smart enough to catch the Cons on tour with the Weakerthans last April you'll probably remember Winnipeg's finest helping out the guys from Guelph on this set opening number.
download: the Constantines - Draw Us Lines
This is kind of old, but I haven't posted it before, and it definitely ties in (especially considering the curling inspired title of the Cons record). If you fancy writing that is far far superior to what I attempt to pass off here, check out Weakerthans' frontman John K. Samson's Matrix Magazine article on "the Poetics of Curling."
now playing: the Constantines - Soon Enough
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
in my best clothes
Pitchfork posted the dates for the National's upcoming Fall tour. They'll hit the Media Club on October 2nd. This is exciting for me in and of itself as Alligator, the bands latest, is right at the top of my list of "I still need to buys," and "Mr. November" is one of my favourite songs from this year. Upping the ante, however, is the opener. The band that (almost) everybody loves to hype, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah will warm up the crowd.
Common tickets are on presale now, regular onsale is Friday at 10am.
In other show news:
Legendary Vancouver punks D.O.A. play a three night stand at Candy Bar, September 22nd-24th.
Minus the Bear play the Media Club on August 27th.
KMFDM play Richard's on September 22nd.
Finally, if you missed the Decemberists on Conan last night, here's a video. Thanks to Wendy from Via Chicago for posting this there originally.
download: the Decemberists - We Both Go Down Together (video - live on Conan 7/12/05)
now playing: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - the Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
better version of me
Ever since her missing-in-action third album leaked a couple of months ago, things have been quiet in the Fiona Apple camp... until very recently. MTV and Entertainment Weekly (via report that Ms. Apple chose to shelve her in limbo third album, Extraordinary Machine. Previously, various news sources had reported that Sony had shelved the record, claiming that there wasn't a single, while these latest articles claim that Fiona wasn't happy with Jon Brion's production work.
EW and MTV report that she's now working with Brian Kehew of Moog Cookbook. However, Mike Elizondo (who has worked with Dr. Dre and the Roots) told Bass Player Magazine that he was producing the new record.
Adding more fuel to the fire is a post from the Roots' ?uestlove on the Okay Player message board that he's be drumming on Elizondo's version of the album, and that both the Elizondo and Brion produced versions of Extraordinary Machine will be released together as a two disc set.
Now taking bets on what comes out first: this or the new G'n'R.
My friend Graham, who despite being in Edmonton (and soon Toronto), is still way more plugged into hiphop in Vancouver than I ever will be, has kindly pointed out two shows that you may want to attend:
DJ Z-Trip spins at Richard's on August 23rd. Black Sheep support. Who's Black Sheep?? What's a Black Sheep?? Remember them? Graham is now going to point out that they've had multiple albums since then.
Common plays the Commodore the very next night. I wasn't a big fan, but his new (mostly Kanye produced) album is growing on me.
Don't forget about the Decemberists tonight. If that's not enough for you Scarlett J. is on too... oh swoon!
now playing: Devandra Banhart - Cripple Crow
Monday, July 11, 2005
march of pigs
Nine Inch Nails tickets go on sale this Saturday at 10am. Tix will run you $35/49/69. Reserved stands, GA floor. When I saw them a couple of years ago Trent and Co. were spectacular, but I can't say that I've been that interested in NIN much lately... even that DFA remix. If you go, make sure you get there early to check out Autolux though.
Dear Autolux/Constantines/Hella and anyone else I'd love to see again who is opening for some expensive high profile stadium gig. Please do your own headlining tours soon.
Pitchfork reports that Broadcast will play the Red Room on Halloween. Not nearly spooky enough for the date in question.
The Decemberists play Conan tomorrow night.
now playing: Diplo - Live in Toronto
Saturday, July 09, 2005
shine like stars
I'm sad to report that Paul Cannell, the artist behind the covers of Primal Scream's Screamadelica and Manic Street Preachers' You Love Us has passed away. (from Drowned in Sound)
The Sigur Ros album has a title and a release date. The band will release Takk in North America on September 13th.
Last but certainly not least, I am extremely pleased to present you with an mp3 of Feist's performance on Conan from Thursday. A big thanks to Michael from the Arts and Crafts forums for recording this and for sending it to me.
download: Feist - Mushaboom (live on Conan O'Brien 7/7/05)
now playing: Slowdive - Alison
Thursday, July 07, 2005
inside and out
a quick post:
Feist is on Conan today. Stay up and watch.
Antony and the Johnsons play St. Andrews Wesley Church on September 15th. I'm not a big fan of church, but I'm a huge fan of shows in churces. If you caught Sigur Ros there, you know what I mean.
Speaking of Sigur Ros, tickets go on sale for their September show at the Orpheum on Saturday at 10am. $35+charges. Reserved seating on the bottom half, GA in the balcony. I'm still hoping I can score a reviewer comp.
Product Shop points out why the NY Post sucks... in case you didn't already realize it.
Hella play the opening slot of the SoaD/Mars Volta extravaganza talked about yesterday.
now playing: the Cure - Just Like Heaven
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
when i come back around
This is probably the lowest profile item in this post, but its the most exciting to me. According to Pollstar, Jamie Lidell is opening for Four Tet on Septemeber 30th.
System of a Down plays the Coliseum on September 17th with the Mars Volta in tow. Presale is on now. Password = MEZMERIZE. The regular onsale starts Saturday at 10am. If you go to this do me a favour and get the message to the Mars Volta that bass solos suck.
Although Pitchfork doesn't show it, the Constantines open for Foo Fighters and Sloan in Vancouver on August 5th as well. Cross your fingers for a Cons headlining gig before/after.
NPR has the song that Sufjan Stevens recorded just for them up. It ain't half bad either. Also, as you've probably already read Pitchfork reports that his new record is back on sale, at least until the first shipments sell out. Get your ass in gear and pick it up before you have to wait til August for Asthmatic Kitty to sort out the new artwork... which reminds me that I should get my ass in gear and do just that.
Talib Kweli plays the Commodore on the 22nd of this month, NOT the 20th as reported here previously. I'm not sure if they changed the date or if I just can't read. Probably the latter. Apologies for any confusion.
now playing: Jamie Lidell - What's the Use?
Monday, July 04, 2005
b-boy stance

Thanks to my friend Shea, I was fortunate enough to check out last night's K-Os show at Malkin Bowl. I didn't think much of Toronto MC til seeing him live in April, and while he didn't seem that into his performance, the show last night once again won me over. The excitment level on stage may have been a little laid back, but it was perfect for a night when I was content to sprawl out on the lawn on what turned out to be a rain free summer evening.
K-Os and his 5-piece backing band pulled mainly (as expected) from his latest, Joyful Rebellion, also throwing in a few cuts from Exit amongst a wide range of covers. In addition to his own material, Mr. Kheaven Brereton performed anywhere from a snippet to full versions of "Hit the Road Jack," the Police's "Message in a Bottle," Snoop's "Tha Shiznit," the GZA's "Liquid Swords," and "Another Brick in the Wall."
In all honesty, I probably still won't be buying the record anytime soon, but I'll gladly shell out the cash for a ticket when he comes back to town. I recommend doing the same.

"Europe's #1 beatboxer," Killa Kela opened the show, introducing himself to the crowd with the statement, "you might not know me, but when I leave you will remember me." That might seema little cocky, but I'm sure it was true. If you've seen Rahzel, you know what you missed, as Kela is right up there with the Roots' beatboxer. Come to think of it, that would be one hell of a tour.
The Big Ticket has the lowdown on the new Sufjan Stevens album cover controversy. The record is apparently now slated for an August release, which is unfortunate, as I'd been avoiding downloading the leak under the assumption that I could buy it in time to get familiar with the songs before his show here on the 24th.
Philebrity has some Clap Your Hands Say Yeah mp3 exclusives up (Details of the War demo and a Neil Young Cover by frontman Alec Ounsworth).
If you've read this blog at any frequency, you've probably heard me talk up local band, Ladyhawk. Well, I'm happy to say that they finally have a web presence, so I'll be more likely to hear about shows before the day after they've happened. Head over to MySpace to hear two songs that and check them out this Wednesday at the Railway.
Debating whether I want to shell out the $32.50 (plus charges) to see Talib Kweli on the 14th... he was fabulous opening for the Beasties in September... argh.
now playing: Ladyhawk - Sad Eyes, Blue Eyes
Saturday, July 02, 2005
we're sending our love down the well
Holy christ the guy from Deep Purple sounds rough. That being said, I've come to the conclusion that despite what everyone has been saying about the Live 8 lineup, maybe Geldof, Cohl, and Co. have it right. Because really, who are a bunch of old, slightly out of touch, rich white guys who run the G8 going to listen to? Certainly not young people, or black people... but other old, slightly out of touch, rich white guys. Genius!
Best. Prom. Ever.
The Supersuckers open for Pearl Jam on September 2nd. Normally this wouldn't disappoint me, but Sleater-Kinney are opening the second leg of the tour.
Franz Ferdinand hit the Orpheum on October 4th. (via Chromewaves)
While I'm stealing content from Frank, I should also direct you to his pictures of Feist's free Canada Day show in Toronto. Yes, while Vancouverites had the chance to rock out to Bif Naked and Shocore, the centre of the universe got all classy and celebrated the nation's birthday in style.
While you missed out on Leslie, you can take advantage of another exciting free show on the July 23rd, when Harry and the Potters play a free 1pm show outside the Vancouver Public Library. For those of you out of the loop, Harry and the Potters are two dudes dressed up as different age Harry's rocking out to songs about the book. I'll be honest, I have never, and don't plan to read and Harry Potter anytime soon... but I bet somebody out there is excited. (thanks Aleks)
Were you like me on Wednesday night when you realized that you totally forgot about the Wu Tang's Inspectah Deck playing at Sonar? Well take solace in the fact that he got stuck at the border and their was no show. Ouch.
now playing: Ryan Adams - 16 Days (live in Charleston)
Friday, July 01, 2005
true patriot love
download: From Blown Speakers Oh Canada Mix CD 2005
1. Metric - Handshakes (live in SanFrancisco)
2. Caribou - Brahmny Kite
3. DFA1979 - Little Girl (Masterkraft Edition)
4. Destroyer w/Frog Eyes - New Ways of Living (live)
5. Wolf Parade - Shine a Light (EP Version)
6. the Arcade Fire - No Cars Go
7. Broken Social Scene - New Country (live on KVRX)
8. Final Fantasy - Peach, Plum, Pear (Joanna Newsom Cover)
9. Tegan and Sara - Love Type Thing (So Jealous outtake)
10. Stars - Celebration Guns
11. Constantines - I Am a Raw Youth (Royal City Cover)
12. Feist - Lover's Spit (Broken Social Scene "cover," live in Paris)
13. Great Lake Swimmers - I Will Never See the Sun
14. the New Pornographers - Streets of Fire
15. Kathleen Edwards - Six O'Clock News (Maple Music Version)
16. Jason Collett with Emily Haines - Hangover Days
17. the Weakerthans - My Favourite Chords (live in Seattle)
Happy Canada Day.
now playing: the Tragically Hip - Wheat Kings