no cars go
An update of sorts on the status of the upcoming Arcade Fire show. Apparently the Simon Fraser Student Society scored the contract to set up the concert. Unfortunately, they ran into the "minor" difficulty of not checking to see whether they could secure an appropriate venue or not. This led to an attempt to book T-Bird stadium (which holds 10-20 THOUSAND people) before the contract got axed on Friday. Hopefully someone else picked up promotional/booking duties... hopefully someone who knows something about putting on a show... and hopefully someone who isn't going to put the band in Burnaby.
Speaking of Student Societies, while I can't give out the band info just yet, I can say that the series of three concerts out at UBC during the first week of school (Sept 6-10) is going to be fabulous.
Death Cab for Cutie play the Commodore on October 3rd and 4th with Aussies Youth Group. I had heard that they were going to tour with Stars, but evidentally that's not the case... which is fortunate for me, since I love Stars, but hate Death Cab, and really didn't want to buy a ticket just to see an opener.
Henry Rollins does his spoken word thing at the Vogue on November 14th.
Finally, everybody head over to FluxBlog to download the Helen Love single Matthew has up. It's 3 minutes of perfect sunshiney pop. On that note, you really should be checking out FluxBlog all the time.
now playing: Helen Love - Debbie Loves Joey
I'm only a recent Death Cab fan, and yes Stars may be the better band, but my god man, 2 nights of Death Cab For Cutie and you're NOT going? And you call yourself an indie rocker.
Ha ha ha ...just pulling your leg. I don't care if you don't like Death Cab. I'm just jealous Vancouver already have tour dates announced, and Toronto has none.
By 5:39 p.m.
, at
Buck 65 - Thursday Sept 8 @ the Pit
The Weakerthans - Friday Sept 9 @ the SUB Ballroom
Metric - Saturday Sept 10 @ the Pit
And it's not secret anymore, as the Firstweek mailout has already been sent out to all 1st years.
By 9:44 a.m.
, atwell.. there ya go... Shea said to wait til posters were up... but if the mailout has gone out, it's probably cool.
By Quinn, at 10:44 a.m.
haven't you already seen stars like 3 times??
By 1:23 p.m.
, atuoft frosh week boasts ... um, no one.
ryerson is throwing a metric frosh week show on toronto island on sept can always check that out if U of T is a bit lacking....or any of the other 100 shows that happen in TO each night
By 10:43 p.m.
, at