somebody put something in my drink
If you've never seen Trapped in the Closet - or worse, if you've heard part of it and never seen it - you might be wondering just why the hell you should. If you have seen R. Kelly's self-proclaimed magnum opus, than you're already aware of the accidental genius that lies within this DVD's twelve chapters. For those of you in the former two groups, just trust me when I say that if this isn't the greatest music video of all time, it's surely the funniest. And while the level of comedy is already high enough to split your sides, anyone who's stumbled home from a bar on a Saturday night and found themselves in hysterics during SNL (like recently, since it's become tragically unfunny) knows that alcohol certainly lubricates your funny bone. With that, I humbly present...
The Trapped in the Closet Drinking Game
Take a drink anytime...
- a word echoes
- a word is rhymed with itself
- someone other than R. Kelly pulls out a weapon
- someone makes a phone call
- it's revealed that someone is having an affair
- there's a plot twist that's been foreshadowed previously
- someone asks "what the fuck?"
- R. Kelly pulls out his beretta
- someone threatens to shoot someone else
- a man physically or verbally threatens to assault a woman
- someone is "up in" something
Take two drinks anytime...
- someone knows something that they can't possibly know already
- someone mentions Paje's club (by name or otherwise)
- someone is smoking
- someone shoots a gun
Finish your drink anytime...
- R. Kelly is actually in a closet
- R. Kelly breaks the fourth wall
Finish the case/bottle anytime...
- R. Kelly pees on an underage girl, because you're watching the wrong video.
Optional Rules:
- Take a shot when the word "pears" is sung (thanks Rob)
- Waterfall* whenever Robert goes all Xtina on a word that ends a chapter
now playing: Women and Children - A Bigger Graveyard
*everyone has to keep drinking until the last person stops.
Trapped in the Closet Rules.
True story: I wanted to buy copies of the thing for friends as Christmas gifts. Everywhere I went they were sold out, due to "massive demand".
Also, to add to the drinking game... everyone should do shot when the word "pears" is sung.
By 8:57 a.m.
, atHey Quinn, both Sebadoh and Badly Drawn Boy can't be playing at Richard's on March 3rd... HOB says its the latter, so that's probably the final word.
By 12:17 p.m.
, at
Rob: I concur, and will edit that in shortly.
Chris: this is an excellent point. Apparently BDB is now on the 27th.
From the TM website, spelling mistake and all:
"This Event has been resheduled from Saturday, March 3,2007 to Tuesday, March 27,2007. Refunds are available at the point of purchase until March 27, 2007."
By Quinn, at 12:36 p.m.