fight & kiss

We Are Wolves have great tunes, but I kind of feel like they're the musical equivalent of bacon (forgive me vegetarians and/or people who hate shitty metaphors). If you have a couple slices of bacon, it's pretty much the best thing ever. Four or five slices, and you're still feeling pretty awesome. But even bacon can get old if that's all you get, and you'd probably have to be pretty drunk to truly enjoy, say, a pound of bacon between two people.
It was definitely $7 well spent though.
Terrorbird, who set up in front of the stage on the dance floor, opened things up, and were once again, pretty fantastic. Only has a rather bizarre interview with Nikki (vox/keys) up.
Destroyer is at the Commodore on May 31st. Trouble in Dreams has the usual dose of Bejar's wonderful lyricism, but it's also dripping with Nic Bragg's guitar work (much like This Night), so I'm even more amped than usual for this one.
Chris-a-riffic is having a CD release show on February 8th at the Secret Space (down the alley from the emergency room). The next couple of Friday's are busy nights. (thanks Luisa)
Turbonegro are at the Commodore on April 22nd.
Bodies of Water open up the Sons & Daughters show at Richard's on April 4th.
And Collapsing Opposites, gr8-2000, Search Parties, Russian Words, Aaron Read, Stefana Fratila, and Golden Touch are at Hoko's on February 29th.
now playing: Iron Chef America
Labels: show announcements, show recaps, terrorbird, we are wolves
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
it starts with an earthquake
R.E.M. hits Deer Lake Park on May 23rd with Modest Mouse and the National. If you check out the full list of tour dates on REM's site, you might notice that they have a six day break starting on May 24th, which is the first day of the Sasquatch Festival, which already has the Cure booked as it's May 25th headliner.
This one is way in advance for a local gig, but I'm pretty psyched that White Lung are back in action soon(ish). They play the Astoria with CPC Gangbangs and Cheerleader Camp on May 30th. I don't know who is headlining right now, but I'm sure that will get sorted out in the next four months.
Fanshaw's opening set at the Cave Singers show on Thursday, and it'll be the "last Fanshaw show ever." I haven't asked Liv why, but needless to say, you might want to make the extra effort to head down to the Media Club now. (and it was Laura who gave me the heads up on that... and this next one. Thanks.)
Chris Smither is at St. James Hall this Thursday as well.
South Rakkas Crew guests at 1/2 Alive on February 15th. At Richard's, as usual.
Saul Williams is at the Plaza on March 17th.
And... Midnight Juggernauts are at Richard's on April 22nd. Mad respect to anyone who can survive the Hot Chip/Juggernauts/SMD back-to-back-to-back.
Labels: show announcements
Thursday, January 24, 2008

I know they weren't headlining, and they'll be back in a few months with Crystal Castles, but the main reason that I made my way down to the Media Club last night was for HEALTH.
To keep it brief, the band was totally brutal (in the good sense of the word), and all that noise was grounded with some rhythms that you could actually dance too. Two of my favourite things in one place.
Joined by a pair of musicians (on bass and guitar, who filled out his synths/beats/singing), White Williams ' performance made me appreciate their songs more (because they're really quite good), but left me pretty disappointed. I'm not sure if it was the sound or the actual playing, but it just seem like the arrangements were lacking. That being said, I left after "New Violence," and heard Joe (his real name) mention that they had "a few more." So maybe they brought the house down after that.
Not bad for $15 on a Wednesday night, at any rate.
If you like dancing and hate the usual dance nights (or even if you don't), here are a few things that might interest you...
Dance or Die is starting Sundays at Pub 340. Justin (I think this Justin) promises to play a mixed bag of "punk, glam, new wave, hardcore, no wave, post punk, oldies, girl groups, doo wop, rap, and etc." Note the lack of "electro" or "bmore" in that description. The first night runs on February 3rd... so don't show up this Sunday expecting it.
And on Friday at 340, Jesse's spinning similar music. He promises the Ronettes and Sonic Youth, which is really good enough for me.
Labels: health, show recaps, white williams
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
damn damn leash
Hey, I've been busy this week... or at least partially busy and partially doing things that are more fun than blogging (amazing that those thing exist, I know), but here a whole bunch of show announcements.
We'll start with this one, because it's the one I'm most excited about. Be Your Own Pet are now on the bill with the Raveonettes at the Plaza on March 8th, which is just ahead of the release of their second full-length, Get Awkward.
Chromeo are at Richard's on April 3rd. Tix are on sale Friday. (thanks to Andrea for emailing)
CocoRosie is canceled.
Cave Singers are at the Media Club with Fanshaw next Thursday. Someone reminded me that I kept forgetting to put that up... and I can't remember who. But thank you.
Brasstronaut are at the Libra Room tomorrow at 8pm sharp. Cover is by donation.
Bison is at the Cobalt on Friday with Spread Eagle, Grass City, Mongoose. Spread Eagle had some gear stolen, so they'll be looking to raise a bit of money to help replace it.
Piper Davis, Stolen Bicycles Gang, and The Teenage Girls are at Hoko's on Saturday.
The Mohawk Lodge show originally scheduled for February 22nd at the Biltmore has been pushed back until March 7th. And now they'll be sharing the stage with Pride Tiger.
Treacherous Machete are at the Media Club on February 2nd before they head off to Europe. The Big Bad, White Owl, and the Sore Throats support.
Certain Breeds are at Honey on February 28th with Greatest Ghost and Terrorbird. (thanks Steve)
Tittsworth and DJ Ayres are at Modern tomorrow.
Jill Barber is at the Media Club with Matt Barber for an all in the family affair on March 20th.
LA Riots are at Celebs on February 1st. Paul Devro supports.
Mos Def is at the Croatian Cultural Centre on February 18th.
Last but not least (because I've been there way too much in the last two months), some stuff at the Astoria:
On February 9th: Safety Show, Hermetic, and Los Malos play.
February 15th sees my friends Neil and Danny spinning (records in Neil's case, hard drives in Dan's) for Better than Loneliness.
Ghosthouse, the Navy Black, and Johnny Wakeham are there on the 16th.
Jaws, Karen Foster, Needles, and Hit the Bricks rock some metal on February 23rd.
And even though it's not my kind of thing, my friend Nicola would disown me if I didn't mention that Misery Signals, a Textbook Tragedy, and Savannah play on February 25th.
now playing: Ladyhawk - Night, You're Beautiful
Labels: show announcements
Sunday, January 20, 2008
with glowing hearts
So, the Food Network decided to show a plethora of Iron Chef America episodes back-to-back, which means that I haven't run any of the errands that I need to run today... I'm also now rethinking my planned meal choices, but I digress.
Here's a pair of things that you might want to know:
Tomorrow, before your Canucks hopefully make up for blowing it for the third time last night to the worst team in the conference by beating Minnesota, the Choir Practice will treat the sold out crowd to both national anthems. Catch it on SportsNet or the TEAM 1040.
And, Terrorbird have been added to the bill at Pat's on the 29th, which means for the bank-breaking sum of $5, you get We Are Wolves and Terrorbird, plus the Devro/Devereux brothers spinning tunes.
Terrorbird are also playing Blastramp's Valentine's Day party at the Bourbon on... Valentine's Day, of course.
Labels: show announcements
Thursday, January 17, 2008
burning light
Music Waste is one of my favourite events of the year. And while the festival is months away (June 5th-8th), they're already starting to raise the requisite funds. Basketball, Defektors, and i/i are donating their talent for the first of this year's fundraising shows, which goes down at the Astoria on the unfortunately overstuffed date of February 1st. And if you think you should play Music Waste, you can email Cam at cameron [AT]
i/i's also opening up an all ager at the Ukrainian Hall on January 25th. You Say Party! We Say Die! headline the show, with Fake Shark-Real Zombie and the Doers rounding out the bill.
Switch is at Republic on February 7th.
Siberian, Kay Kay & his Weathered Underground, and Octoberman are at the Media Club on February 15th.
Tom emailed about a bunch of shows he's involved with... all of which are at Hoko's
On January 30th: Overgrowing, Role Mach, Adrian Teacher, and Russian Words
February 2nd: Boogie Monster Band, the White Owls, the SSRIs, gr8-2000, and Colby Sparks
And on February 23rd: Nihilist Party, Terrorbird, Stamina Mantis, and gr8-2000.
Labels: show announcements
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
So now that it's four days after the fact, I will say that though I was a bit surprised that Ladyhawk didn't headline, and I'm still not into Jaws, the Saturday night soiree that Bison closed out was predictably awesome. The Astoria was packed with a line up outside at around 10pm. If you told any of those people that they'd be waiting in line to get into the Astoria on at Saturday night a year before, they would've laughed at you. Kudos to Erin and MJ for nurturing the old dive into a happening place to party.
The Fader has some new Ladyhawk for you to cop. Apparently so does the Soulseek, amongst other places.
I just want to point out that I called this one from a mile away.
Hey, there's some sweet shows coming...
Jason Collett is at the Plaza on March 22nd. (thanks MK)
Clinic are at Richard's on May 16th.
Christian from the Wintermitts is lending his talents to another band. They're called Sleep Holiday and they're playing with Young and Sexy and the Rub (who are presumably not the DJs from the Bronx) on February 1st at the Railway.
No matter what you think of the Black Keys, you should now check them out at the Commodore because Jay Reatard is opening.
Stephen Malkmus and his Jicks are at Richard's on May 3rd.
If you got shut out of Justice tickets, you can spend a quiet evening with Bon Iver at the Media Club instead for about 1/3rd the price. Phosphoresecent open.
Sex Attack! are celebrating a whole year of not playing records at No Tofu on February 8th. And their weekly at the Modern starts on January 31st, with the appropriate moniker, "OMG! WTF?" I voted for LOLLERCOPTER myself.
Thanks to the anonymous tipster who let us know that Matt Costa is at the Commodore on February 10th.
Collapsing Opposites, International Falls, Calvin, Don't Jump, and Lost Lovers Brigade are at Pat's on February 2nd.
If you're looking for the Makeout tonight, they're at the Lamplighter. They're playing a lot of the Clash. That's probably a good idea all the time for anybody.
Labels: bison, internet drama, jaws, ladyhawk, lazy show recaps, show announcements
Friday, January 11, 2008
cloak and nail
My friends over at Tooth and Dagger are throwing one hell of a show at the Cambrian Hall (17th near Main) on February 1st. Why? Because they can. Victoria, Victoria! return from a lengthy hiatus to headline a show that also boasts No Gold, Taxes, and Petroleum By-Products. And in addition to the bands, Sex Attack! throws down some dance music. Bonus points for holding this crawling distance from my house.
Speaking of Sex Attack!, they have a new Thursday starting soon at the Modern. When I heard the venue, the first thing that came to my head was, "how many of the people that would go dance to Sex Attack! are going to pony up the money for that?" But it's $5 and the drinks are cheap. Now is my chance to check out this hilarious light up dance floor that they apparently have.
Speaking of the Modern, is it just me or are Donnelly like the evil, yuppie version of McMenamins? Which sort of reiterates any comparison of Vancouver and Portland in general.
I had heard that the Biltmore had originally planned to reserve Fridays for touring bands, which would have shut out any locals hoping to headline the newly renovated (and really nice) room. Happily, that either changed or turned out not to be true.
On February 15th, their booking agent read my mind and Fake Shark-Real Zombie, the Clips, and JPNDRDS all hit the stage.
If you're feeling a little more country, next week Carolyn Mark, Luther Wright, Hank & Lily, Tolan McNeil, Diona Davies, and Shaun Kelly all play.
On February 8th CJSF celebrates 5 years on the air with Secret Mommy, CR Avery, and
And on 22nd of the same month, Mohawk Lodge play with guests to be announced.
Oh, and that Caribou show is actually two shows. One early, one late.
Some of you may recall an all too short lived local band called the Weather. They broke up before they had a chance to put out their debut full-length, but their record label is giving away Stolen Billions for free.
Unfamiliar label boss and all around good guy, Greg, is coincidentally in town and playing some records at the Lamp tonight as well.
Faun Fables are at the Western Front as part of the Push International Performing Arts Festival on February 1st. (thanks to Saelan for the tip off).
Radiohead kind of announced a tour... but there are no dates... but there will be a Vancouver one, and that's what's important.
Almost a year to the day that they played Richard's Acid Mothers Temple are at Pat's on April 4th.
Four days later, Autechre plays
We Are Wolves are at Pat's with Paul and Ben on January 29th.
Nada Surf play "Popular" and other
Sons and Daughters are at Richard's on April 4th.
The Black Keys are at the Commodore on April 6th. (thanks MK)
And Joe Jackson is at the Centre on May 5th.
I'm sure I made a mistake somewhere in there.
Labels: show announcements
Congratulations to Gareth and Persia who each win a double pass for one of this weekend's showings of Electroma. Thanks again to Vice for hooking up the prize.
Big update with tons of show announcements and also a free album(!) from a short-lived, but great local act later today.
Labels: contest winners, daft punk, vice
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Contest: Electroma Pass Giveaway
Here's one for fans of Daft Punk and/or completely absurd film. Vice is being nice enough to hook up two people with double passes to the upcoming screenings of Thomas and Guy-Manuel's cinematic exploration, Electroma (one double pass for each showing).
It's playing this Friday and Saturday at the VanCity Theatre at 9:30pm, and if you want to take a hot date to watch two french robots walk through the desert along to an Eraserhead-esque soundtrack, just shoot me an email at quinn.omori [at] with your name, contact info that I can reach you at between noon and show time on Friday (ie. an email you'll actually check during that time), either Friday or Saturday or both if you can make either, and the subject line "give me Electroma tickets."
They're billing it as the Vancouver Premiere. And while it's certainly the big screen premiere, there was actually one previous local public screening. To make things interesting, if you can tell me the venue where the film was shown back in July, you'll get priority when I draw a winner. If you don't know the answer, but still want to go, still send me an email. If I don't get a correct answer, I'll pick randomly from all the entries.
I need all the entries by 11:59pm on Thursday (the 10th), so jump on that if you want to win.
Got all that? Good.
And while you're fiddling around on the internet, why not check out this interview that Vice did with Daft Punk: clicky
Labels: contests, daft punk, vice
Monday, January 07, 2008
over and over and over again
So, I may have forgotten a show that actually went off without a hitch, but have Hot Chip actually ever made any of the previously scheduled dates that they've had here? Either way, hopefully they actually make it to the Commodore to play on April 21st. Free Blood open. Right now SWAK is listing "First Blood" as the opener... which would be sort of hilariously awesome, really.
The Evaporators have a couple of all-agers coming up, and one of them is free. They're doing an in-store at the downtown HMV on January 25th, and they'll be at Seylynn Hall in North Van the next night with the B-Lines, the Elixxxirs, and lala.
The Hives will attempt to remind you that they do indeed exist when they rock the Commodore on February 22nd.
British Sea Power are at the Plaza on March 5th.
The Raveonettes are at the Plaza on March 8th.
Apparently, enough people like godawful, atonal, noise for CocoRosie to play the Commodore on March 24th. I take that back. I actually enjoy godawful, atonal, noise, and I hate this shit.
Justice returns to the Commodore on March 25th. You may recall this show selling out ridiculously fast last time... and it's not like they've gotten less popular since then. Edit: and they'll have Fancy and a guy named Diplo in tow.
Born Ruffians are at the Media Club on March 26th.
Vampire Weekend are at Richard's on March 27th.
Why? is at the Media Club on April 16th.
Blitzen Trapper are at the Media Club the next night.
Caribou are at the Biltmore on April 18th.
Oh, and you should've been at the Clips/Adjective./Terrorbird show on Saturday. The Clips were their usually wonderful selves. I don't really have much to say about them that I haven't said already, but I will note that my friend Neil had never seen them before Saturday, and by the end of the set he wanted to book them for a show.
Labels: lazy show recaps, show announcements
Friday, January 04, 2008
the love cats

moar funny pictures
I was never really a fan of cats until I started dating my last girlfriend. Whether this is due to the fact that my neighbour's cats growing up were completely mental and ill-spirited and had me traumatized or that Harvey is just a gem of a feline and won me over, I do not know. But I do know that my ex probably loved her cat more than she loved me (and, well, fair enough, really)... Hell, my sister probably loves her cats more than she loves me (also fair, look at those cats!).
So, with that in mind, you should really go check out this show at Little Mountain Studios on January 9th. It features Aaron Read from the Sunday Service (who will be making music, not humourous dialogue - well, maybe both. I'm not sure), Chris-a-riffic, and Woodhands. You may already be familiar with the former two, but you should know that the latter sorta slayed last time they were here. Plus, they're raising money so someone's cat can get fixed up after an unfortunate run in with a car. icanhaslifesavinopouratshunz?
Speaking of saving things, Pub 340 welcomes back live music tonight with Defektors, Motorama, Sugar Coated Killers, Rio Bent, Vapid, and "2 DJs from the ER." One is Jesse from Twin Crystals/Channels 2+3+4/etc, but I don't know who'll be joining him behind the decks.
Black Mountain is at the Commodore with Ladyhawk on April 5th. And you thought that Ladyhawk/Bison show was going to be rad... well, it still is. (thanks MK)
Speaking of Bison, apparently the printed version of the Straight is reporting that they're playing at the Cobalt tonight. They're not.
Bob Mould is at Richard's on March 30th.
The New York Dolls are at the Plaza on March 1st.
Mahjongg is at Pat's the same evening.
Jose Gonzalez is at St. Andrews on March 31st.
And nobody is going to care about this but me, but it's my blog, so I'll write about the semi-obscure releases that I want to: Casey Dienel has a new "band" name and a new record out on March 4th. Yay!
Labels: lulz, show announcements
Thursday, January 03, 2008
applecore manticore
The Paper Cranes are in town on Saturday at the Bourbon with tROUBLE. Show's early, so the Cranes are on at 10pm. Unfortunate that they're booked on the same night as their friends in the Clips.
Speaking of, for the handful of you who reside in Vic, the Paper Cranes, the Clips, and those Half Alive guys are at Lucky Bar on January 19th, for what promises to be the best (sorta) local show since whatever Lauren threw last. I actually haven't been to the Island in 3 years, but I'm going to hold to that anyhow.
Eric from Hermetic emailed about a few shows that they have coming up:
Tonight at Honey with B-Lines and Defektors. I didn't know Honey did shows.
And on February 9th with Safety Show and Los Malos at the Astoria.
Shindig goers might remember Eric from when he handled bass duties for Fanshaw.
Speaking of Shindig, the SSRIs are in need of a new drummer... probably fast, considering they're scheduled to play Fake Jazz Wednesday next week. Although, in regards to the infamous "Shindig curse," the band that comes in second usually not only escapes in tact, but goes on to pretty big things (see: You Say Party! We Say Die!, They Shoot Horses, Don't They... maybe it's the punctuation)
Brasstronaut are at the Libra Room on January 10th, where they'll play house band and perform three sets throughout the evening... the menu looks pretty tasty, but that might be because I packed such a meager lunch this morning.
And lastly, I just want to point out that there's a three day gap between Seattle and Minneapolis in the Boredoms tour schedule. Somebody please book them here.
Labels: show announcements