dance, motherfucker, dance
Top 5 observations from tonight's Out Hud show:
1. A lot of tall dudes like Out Hud
2. A lot of cute girls like Out Hud
3. But all the guys with girlfriends weren't freakishly tall
4. Nick Offer had substantially less hair then when he came through with !!! last year.
5. It is entirely possible (and easy) to take irony way to far
All in all it was a pretty great performance, other than the fact that it was incredibly short. After "It's For You" hit midset the crowd actually woke up, and by the set's end it seemed as though the band had done what few can do in Vancouver: get people dancing. But alas, as soon as the discoing had begun, it was over.
now playing: Math and Physics Club - When We Get Famous
i want to hear this irony story.
By 9:35 p.m.
, ati bet its ironic!
By 9:41 p.m.
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