we were kissing in the centre when the band played ice cream castles
I would just like you all to know that although my review of the new Hold Steady record goes up on Streethawk on Thursday, I had it written before Scott Plagenhoef blessed it with its "Best New Music" tag and slapped an almost identical score on it. I'm not on Pitchfork's jock, we're just both on the Hold Steady's. Speaking of the Hold Steady, I've got a piece on them in Discorder this month. Now for something you might care about: a couple of outtakes from the year's best record.
download: the Hold Steady - Arms and Hearts
download: the Hold Steady - Teenage Liberation
The other two extra tracks, "Girls Like Status" and "For Boston" are up on that other site I work on, when the review goes up.
Silversun Pickups open the previously blogged Wolfmother show on December 4th at the Commodore.
Lions in the Street are at the Lamplighter on October 20th.
And, while this has nothing to do with shows, and I can't say I've been all that interested in anything they've done in the last five years or so, my inner dork smirked at the fact that the Deftones have a song on their new album called "U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,A,B,Select,Start." Bonus points if you know why they screwed it up.
now playing: Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton - Crowdsurf Off A Cliff
B, A
Yes! Bonus points!
By 1:34 a.m.
, atArt Brut/We Are Scientists are on 2 for 1 on hob.ca today...
Emily Haines/Metric have the best song titles.
By 9:53 a.m.
, atPlease repost the Hold Steady songs. Please? with a cherry on top?
By 8:09 p.m.
, atyes please repost the hold steady
By 7:39 p.m.
, atno doubt. theyre just a few days old.
By 3:04 p.m.
, atif you reposted teenage liberation I would be, like, ecstatic.
By 9:23 p.m.
, at