Thursday, March 31, 2005
somebody told me
the Killers' Brandon Flowers on keepin it real, yo:
"Look at a band like the Bravery. They're signed because we're a band," Flowers said. "I've heard rumors about [members of] that band being in a different kind of band, and how do you defend that? If you say, 'My heart really belongs to what I'm doing now,' but you used to be in a ska band. I can see the Strokes play or Franz Ferdinand play and it's real, and I haven't gotten that from the Bravery. I think people will see through them." (via Arjan Writes)
I'm not big on the Bravery (although they may prove me wrong when they open for Ash tonight), but I would like to point out the irony of a guy from Las Vegas who somehow developed an English singing accent telling some dudes jumping onto the new-new-wave thing that they're not "real." Dude is lucky that Flock of Seagulls existed, or he'd be cleaning Casinos for a living.
Oh... and the new Oasis single has leaked. Shoot me an email if you can't find it. It's not bad, but nothing they haven't done before.
now playing: Blondie - Call Me

Dizzee Rascal made his Vancouver tonight, opening his 2005 North American tour. I wasn't blown away, but show was definitely worth checking out. Highlights, predictably were "I Luv U" "Fix Up, Look Sharp" and "Stand Up Tall," the latter two making up the encore. The crowd, a mix of mostly hip hop heads and indie rock kids, ate it all up.

A whole bunch of new shows were announced, most notably LCD Soundsystem and M.I.A. at the Commodore on May 10th.
Also: the Gossip at Richard's on May 24th, Xiu Xiu at Mesa Luna and Rilo Kiley at a venue tba on June 16th, Spoon at a tba venue June 17th, Kid 606 at another mystery venue August 13th.
now playing: the Tears - Refugees (video version)
Monday, March 28, 2005
there will be no hesitation

Bloc Party rocked Richard's last night, selling the venue out a couple weeks ago due to the massive hype machine behind them right now. I, and I'm sure everyone else there, had high hopes based on the strength of their self-titled EP and the full length, Silent Alarm, which was released here a week ago. Well, I'm happy to report that the live show doesn't disappoint. The band was high energy, keeping the banter to a minimum while running through a somewhat brief set of thirteen songs culled mostly from the LP, with "the Answer" and "Tulips" making appearances in the encore. Their lead guitarist is also ridiculous. I can't recall what song it was offhand, but his lightning fast harmonics up and down the fretboard whilst tap dancing between two delay pedals was getting into Johnny Greenwood territory.

Kele Okereke

Russell Lissack

Gordon Moakes

Matt Tong

Kele Okereke
Erase Errata, whom I was equally excited to see, were unfortunately a little disappointing. Their set was very short (maybe 20 minutes or so), and they really seem to be missing their departed guitarist (Jenny Hoyston now handles vocal and guitar duties to varying degrees of success).

Erase Errata

Ellie Erickson
In other news, Radiohead, or more specifically Johnny, Thom, and the London Sinfonietta played last night (and again tonight) @ London's Royal Festival Hall as part of the Ether Festival. Along with playing RH b-side "When Bluebirds Fly," they debuted a brand new song called "Arpeggi." If you surf around the wonderful AtEaseWeb, you can find the mp3s.
Finally, here is a repost of the Karen O sung track from that Adidas commercial that everyone is buzzing about.*
Download: Squeak E. Clean feat. Karen O. - Hello Tomorrow Soundtrack
*a note on mp3s: Generally speaking, I'm not going to repost stuff. Links are all through and expire after 7 days/25 downloads so if there's something you've missed please drop me an email at and I'll be happy to send it to you. This holds for live/unreleased stuff only. If something is commercially available, support the artist and buy the record. Buying records is fun and is much more social than the internet. In fact, don't just buy, support one of the fabulous independent stores in the sidebar over on the left or your local independent retailer.
now playing: Ikara Colt - May B 1 Day
Saturday, March 26, 2005
jackson, jesse i've got a son in me
Britney is pregnant... so says Star (via Brooklyn Vegan)
Jonathan Davis of Korn names his new kid Pirate, upping the unfornate name bar set by Chris and Gwenyth.
Eazy-E died ten years ago today. RIP.
One of the world's greatest bands has split up. The music world is still torn up inside over this one.
In more interesting news, word on the street is that Stars, Feist and Apostle of Hustle are going to play together for a few songs for the finale of the Exclaim! show this Thursday. This is pretty much Broken Social Scene minus Jason Collett, Emily Haines, that guy from Raising the Fawn, and lead boy-singer, Kevin Drew. Which means "Anthems for 17 Year Old Girl," "Backyards," and "Lover's Spit (Beehives version)" are not out of the question. Still trying to figure out a way to stop time so I can make it to the Commodore after Ash to check it out. Also look for Amy Milan to drop in on Montag's opening set to duet on Perfect Vision.
download: Feist - Lover's Spit (Broken Social Scene cover - live in Paris)
This rendition of the much loved BSS tune is significantly different then the piano based Beehives version that Miss Feist's vocals grace. Guitar based with some great little backups and Leslie's croon distantly echoing over her improvised refrain at the end.
Yuki sent in this snapshot from last night's Mono show at the Media Club, which she described as "loud."

Finally, if you slept in and wanted to get Weezer tickets, you're out of luck. They sold out in minutes. You can always check Ebay if you're into paying $100 a ticket. Ouch.
now playing: Ryan Adams - Let It Ride (from Cold Roses, streaming on
Friday, March 25, 2005
ambling madly all over the town
As Yuki has pointed out the Decemberists have rescheduled for April 30th at the Commodore. As I have tickets to see the Weakerthans/Constantines "Rolling Tundra Revue" tour at Richard's that day that day, I was at first disappointed. Until I remembered that the Richard's show is early, meaning it has to end at 10:30pm. Which means making both shows shouldn't be a problem.
In other show news, Xiu Xiu and Spoon are scheduled to hit Vancouver on consecutive dates in June (the 16th and 17th respectively). Venues are still TBA.
now playing: controller.controller - Silent Seven
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
fresh out of batteries, but we're still makin' noise
As Yuki mentioned in the comments of the last entry, Weezer will be making their return to Vancouver, downsizing from the Pacific Coliseum to play the Commodore on April 26th, two weeks before their new LP, Make Believe hits stores. Tickets are on sale this Saturday, March 26th @ 9:30am and will set you back $35 + service charges. I can't say that I've been overly impressed with either of their last two albums, but when I saw them at the Showbox in Seattle pre-Green Album they were fabulous, so it might be worth checking this one out due to the size of the room. That being said, there newest single, "Beverly Hills" is now on the net as well... and it's kinda shitty. Take a listen and judge for yourself.
download: Weezer - Beverly Hills (kroq radio rip)
In other news that will alienate any readers who are too indie to care about such things, Pearl Jam played a brand new track at a benefit show in Seattle the other night. It sounds a lot like some of the rockers off of Vitalogy.
You can find "Crapshoot" here
Finally, if you haven't already seen it, Pitchfork has gone live with their news, essentially following a blog-like format. Which explains why they were soliciting "news writers" that are required to submit four stories a week about a week ago... who they aren't going to pay... so they can make more money... by offering something that a bunch of other people are doing better and for free already. Lame.
now playing: Dresden Dolls - Bad Habit
Monday, March 21, 2005
the bombs to make you blow
Generally speaking, new release day isn't overwhelmingly exciting. Sure there is always the day when the one album you've been waiting months for is finally released, but even then, its only the one record. Tomorrow, however, is one of those rare occassions when not one, not two, but four(!) records that may be up there on multiple people's best-of-the-year lists is released...
M.I.A.'s Arular finally gets a release (via Interscope). Think of the best bits of raggaton or dancehall, mix in some dangerous sounding politics (but no, there is no evidence that she supports terrorists, despite what you may have read), and top if off with beats from people like producer extraordinaire Richard X.
download: M.I.A. - Pull Up the People
Bloc Party's debut Silent Alarm, which has been out for almost a month in the UK, hits stores tomorrow. This year's Rapture... or Franz Ferdinand... or something like that.
download: Bloc Party - This Modern Love
the Decemberists release Picaresque just four days after almost all of their gear was stolen. Go support the band and buy the record (in fact, by all of these records). While you're at it, help one of the best bands out there get back on their feet.
download: the Decemberists - 16 Military Wives (video - torrent via
Finally, Thunderbirds Are Now! release Just a Moustache tomorrow. Now that Les Savy Fav are on hiatus, this is the perfect replacement... who are also great in their own right.
now playing: Girls Aloud - the Show
Saturday, March 19, 2005
'cause America can and America can't say 'no'
This blog has now officially become a Decemberists fan site. Word on the street is that the Decemberists will be making up their cancelled Vancouver show sometime in April, presumably between the April 12th date in Montana and the beginning of the second leg of the tour on May 4th in New York.
The band also have a download of their new video for Sixteen Military Wives on their official website via bittorrent. It features the band playing various countries in a high school model UN. If you need to get a bittorrent client, I suggest this one... don't forget to leave your windows open when your download finishes.
Finally, here is a .mp3 of the Squeak E. Clean/Karen O song from the Adidas commercial that I posted about a few days ago.
download: Squeak E. Clean feat. Karen O. - Hello Tomorrow Soundtrack
now playing: Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out (Crash Berlin Remix)
Friday, March 18, 2005
everything i try to do, nothing seems to turn out right
the Decemberists have postponed their show at Richard's on Saturday due to the theft of almost all their gear yesterday. The remaining shows on the tour at still on, and Colin promises that the show will be rescheduled as soon as possible.
from Decemberists HQ:
Vancouver Show Postponed
* General News
- admin @ 9:28 am
Hello All,
I'm terribly sorry to report that we've cancelled our show in Vanouver as a consequence of our recent gear theft. We desperately need just one more day to breath and collect our thoughts before heading out on the rest of the tour.
This a postponement, not a cancellation, and as soon as I have information about another date I will post it. All other dates will go an as scheduled.
Thanks to everyone for being so sweet and supportive during this whole debacle. There are some ugly, soulless people in this world but thankfully they are exponentially outnumbered by lovely, kind and sweet people.
No word yet on whether tickets can be returned for a refund or held for the rescheduled date.
now playing: Johnny Boy - You Are the Generation That Bought More Shoes and You Get What You Deserve
Thursday, March 17, 2005
i'm really sorry steven...
UPDATE (10:15pm 3/17) - KEXP reported on air that the Seattle show on Friday is still on but the band "has been forced to cancel their Vancouver show." This hasn't been confirmed by the venue or the Vancouver promoter, but it doesn't look promising.
from the Decemberists Message Board:
Hello All,
At some time between 3 a.m. and 8 a.m., the band's gear trailer was stolen from outside a house in SE Portland, near the Aladdin Theatre. Heartbreakingly, it housed practically every piece of instrumentation belonging to the Decemberists.
So this is a sort of call to arms; I figure if we get the word out, maybe we all can collectively track it down.
The trailer in question is a WHITE 6' x 12' WELLS CARGO trailer. There's a green 'VT' (as in Vermont) sticker on the side door, among other smaller stickers, a BRITISH FLAG sticker on the front, and a 'NO ON 36' sticker on the left back door. The license number is U34 8717 (Oregon).
Any information you might have on this, please report to the Portland Police. If you do see it, by all means call 911.
More details about the theft and how this will effect dates on the Advance of the Picaroons tour as they appear.
now playing: the Ravonettes feat. Ronnie Spector - Ode to L.A.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Some pics from Sarah Slean at Richard's last night. I have to admit, I was a tad disappointed. While I was fully expecting her to pull mostly from her latest album, Day One, I didn't realize that the new tracks would dominate the entire setlist save for three songs ("Me and Jerome," a cover of Radiohead's "Climbing Up the Walls," and a acoustic guitar version of "Duncan"). As I'm not to hot on the new record, you can understand the minor disappointment. Apparently "Eliot," another standout from 2002's Nightbugs was also on the setlist, but not played.

Completely unrelated, go to this Texas radio station website to download a ton of live mp3s from various bands. (via Chromewaves) If you're too lazy to look through them all Brooklyn Vegan has even picked out the good ones.
Magneta Lane are now pegged as openers for Sloan on May 5th. I missed them when they made their Vancouver debut at the Pic a couple a months ago, so I just might check this show out now.
Finally, after following the Straight's lead (as well as a couple other places), I mistakenly reported that the Bloc Party show at Richard's was now moved to the Commodore. Sorry to disappoint anybody that doesn't have tickets yet, but the promoters have confirmed that the show has NOT been moved, and will still be at Richard's and is completely SOLD OUT. The good news is that they also dropped the hint that the band will be returning in late May to play the Commodore - presumably somewhere around the May 28th Sasquatch Fest. date.
now playing: Broken Social Scene - New Country (live at KVRX)
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
this is yesterday
The 10th Anniversary reissue of the Manic Street Preachers' 1994 masterpiece, the Holy Bible, finally got a Canadian domestic release today. The repackaging of the UK's answer to In Utero boasts a 2cd/dvd set. Disc 1 contains a remastered version of the original UK (and also Canadian) mix of the album as well as four live tracks, while Disc 2 has the long deleted (and superior) US Mix of the album, two demos, and three songs from a Radio 1 Evening Session. The DVD collects rarely-before-seen in North America TV Appearances, Glastonbury '94 clips, three official videos, and a 30 minute interview.
Also out today, is the import version of Idlewild's latest, Warnings/Promises. All the songs for the record were written as acoustic numbers and the arrangements were worked out later, a first for the band. Not surprisingly then, its a far cry from the band's noisy beginnings, although they do find the time to rock out a little. Fans of their previous release, In Remote Part, will be throughly pleased. The record is being imported by Sony Canada, so its actually fairly reasonable for an import cd. Pick it up if you can't wait five months for the August 16th domestic release.
In Commodore show news, Doves are set to play the room on May 6th with Mercury Rev. Amon Tobin plays June 25th. And, Bonobo drops by with Diplo (sans Miss MIA) on June 27th.
If you're a fan of inoffensive BritRock, you can download live incarnations of the new Coldplay songs from a recent surprise gig that the band did in LA.
Finally, Pitchfork reports that Annie's album will finally get a North American release on May 24th.
now playing: Manic Street Preachers - Judge Yr'self (video)
Monday, March 14, 2005
whenever i wake up...
Some new music for you:
Andrew Bird did a studio performance for Minnesota Public Radio recently where he played a brand new song called "Dark Matter." (thanks for Kyle for the headsup)
I ripped the stream from the radio website into an mp3 for your downloading pleasure...
download: Andrew Bird - Dark Matter (live on MPR 5-10-05)
Andrew's new record, "The Mysterious Production of Eggs," is out now and is marvelous. Even Pitchfork liked it! (buy it here) Unfortunately, the closest his tour comes is Seattle (April 10th at the Tractor Tavern), but you can get a taste of his live show at the
In other new music news, Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs is featured on a brand new track that is, thus far, only available on... an Adidas commercial. It's directed by Spike Jonze (who also did the YYYs' Y-Control video), and features the music of "Squeak E. Clean" and Miss Ohm. Here's hoping that the former is someone's part time pseudonym... cause its rather unfortunate.
See the commercial here: Hello Tomorrow
In other Karen O news, reports that she's collaborating with Gabe and JP of the Locust and Cody of the Blood Bros. for a thrash metal/hardcore project called Head Wound City. They'll be putting out a 12" on Three One G in a couple months.
Finally, as Trevor mentioned in the comments of the last entry, Max Weinberg joined Death From Above 1979 halfway through their performance of "Romantic Rights" on Conan.
You can download a .mov of the whole show in the DFA1979 LJ Community
now playing: Saturday Looks Good to Me - When You Got to New York
Thursday, March 10, 2005
richter scale madness
more new show announcements w/ one sentence descriptions:
...and you will know us by the trail of dead and (International) Noise Conspiracy @ the Commodore, May 20th ($20)
Both their last records kinda sucked, but they're still awesome live
Dead Meadow @ the Brickyard, April 8th
Do lots of drugs and go see this show.
Sloan @ the Commodore, May 5th ($23.50)
According to Chart, they released the best Canadian record of all time.
Moby w/Buck 65 @ the Commodore, May 3rd ($39.50)
Does anybody actually care enough to pay $40 anymore?
Puffy Ami Yumi @ the Vogue, April 24th ($27.50)
J-Pop madness.
Ray Lamontagne @ Richard's, May 27th ($15)
Ethan Johns produced, alt-country goodness.
In other news, if you miss Feist when she rolls through with the Exclaim tour on March 31st, you can catch the Toronto-via-Paris-and-back-again chanteuse on the Junos three days later (along with Neil Young, the Tragically Hip, K-OS and others).
now playing: M.I.A. - Fire Fire (diplo mix)
Gang of Four tickets on sale Friday at 10am.
$28.50 + service charges.
now playing: M.I.A. - Sunshowers
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
carnival kids

Pretty much the only criticism I've heard of the Futureheads, is that they're just retreading old territory. I suppose it's true, but its definitely not a case of the band being completely derivative of one band. They wear their influences on their sleeves, but they're very much the sum of multiple influences, and I don't think there's anything negative about that. The pop hooks of the Buzzcocks, the frenetic arrangements of XTC, and the arty cool of Gang of Four all sqeezed through four guys singing girl group harmonies; how can you complain about that? Especially when the outcome is so sublime.
The band was fabulous last night, playing everything off of their stellar debut, plus a couple of b-side covers.

Ross Millard

Barry Hyde

Jaff (apparently, it's just "Jaff")

Dave Hyde
download: the Futureheads - A Picture of Dorian Gray (Television Personalities cover)
Openers Shout Out Louds were a pleasant surprise. Very Cure-esque. Plus, its nice to hear a band from Sweden that isn't playing garage rock.

For those of you who purchased Wilco's A Ghost Is Born, a reminder that the band released a bonus EP via their website today. The EP contains two leftovers from the AGiB sessions ("Panthers" and and the previously released b-side of the "I'm a Wheel" 7" "Kicking Television) plus three live tracks ("At Least That's What You Said" "Late Greats" "Handshake Drugs").
now playing: the Fiery Furnaces - Mason City
Saturday, March 05, 2005
new ways of living
As wonderful as it is, the Destroyer/Frog Eyes EP just can't compete with the real live deal. On record the six reinterpretations of songs from Your Blues are even a little overwhelming at times. Live however, is the perfect setting for experiencing Dan and Co. let loose. Carey Mercer's squeal to a whisper twists in and out with Bejar's croon and wail, while his slashing guitar work, along with

Dan Bejar

Carey Mercer

Melanie Campbell

Spencer Krug
download: Destroyer w/Frog Eyes - An Actor's Revenge (live in N. Carolina)
Before heading to East Van, I also attended the Duran Duran press conference at GM Place for the Grounder. No, seriously. It was wierd seeing a handful of early-30's local TV personalities go from consumate pros to blushing fans. Less fanboyish was Nardwuar, who was unceremoniously ejected from the proceedings for asking about former Duran guitarist Warren Cuccurullo selling replicas of his penis via the internet.

When Duran Duran comes to town its hard not to know.
Finally, here is the latest Fiona Apple song to leak from her indefinitely postponed forthcoming LP, Extraordinary Machine.
download: Fiona Apple - Window
now playing: Destroyer - the Sublimination Hour
*apologies to Grayson Walker and Spencer Krug, as I had erroneously identified Spencer (who has taken over keyboard duties in Frog Eyes) as Grayson, who is no longer in the band.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
fast as you can
More Fiona Apple news...
A confirmed tracklist (via
Not About Love
Red Red Red
Get Him Back
Better Version Of Me
Oh Well
Oh Sailor
Used To Love Him
Extraordinary Machine
Please Please Please
Also, rumours abound that the End is going to start streaming the entire record from their site.
Wierd then, that a a fan site hosting dodgy quality radio recordings of the leaked tracks has been issued a cease and desist order.
Additionally, a guy who has just joined the Board of Directors of the conglomerate that owns the End is the current Executive VP and Chief Financial Officer of Sony. (linky)
Is Sony trying to manufacture its own Yankee Hotel Foxtrot for publicities sake? File that under conspiracy theory for now... but keep an eye on things, because they're wierd.
download: Fiona Apple - Oh Sailor and Fiona Apple - Please Please Please
In local music news, a reminder that Destroyer plays WISE Hall tomorrow with Frog Eyes and Book of Lists. Doors at 9pm, tix $12.
Finally... in a totally wierd occurence, I'm going to the Duran Duran press conference tomorrow... as a member of the "press"
I get one question. Suggestions?
now playing: Fiona Apple - Please Please Please
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
i don't believe in the wasting of time
Another track has leaked from the forever delayed Fiona Apple Album. A DJ at 107.7 the End in Seattle has a copy of the whole album, and has been playing new tracks each evening. How does the night shift guy at a Seattle radio station score what seems to be the only circulating copy of a shelved album? I sure as hell don't know, but I'm not complaining. Free Fiona!
uncomfirmed tracklisting: not about love/better version of me/get him back/red red red/oh sailor/please please please/used to love him/window/waltz/extraordinary machine/oh well
download: Fiona Apple - Waltz
The CBC is cancelling Brave New Waves! For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show, it's been a staple of CBC Radio 2 for over 20 years, and is one of the few places to hear new and interesting music that either will not or hasn't yet been played on commercial radio. It boggles my mind frankly. This is the kind of thing that the CBC should be doing: delivering art and culture that isn't readily available to people across Canada. Sure the explosion of online music sharing has increased access to underground forms of media, but does that warrant axeing the program that beamed Pavement into bedrooms from Prince Rupert to Harmony Junction for so many first times? I think not.
The whole move is part of a restructuring of "youth/alt." music programming. In the end, this could all result in some kind of positive change, but the cancelling of BNW certainly doesn't get my hopes up. Tune into 105.7fm (in Vancouver) from Monday-Friday midnight-4am while you still can. While you're at it, send a message to the CBC to let them know that these are the kinds of shows that they should be bringing to Canadians.(via Said the Gramophone)
Last but certainly not least, Propagandhi are finishing up their new LP (in Vancouver last I heard). The record should be finished in "a few months" according to Chris from the band. (thanks to Tyler)
edit: Metric headline a show at the Commodore the day before they play Arts County Fair (April 7th). Tickets on sale Friday.
now playing: the Stone Roses - Standing Here
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
you know the change will do you good
Gang of Four are coming! The reunited line-up that graced the band's classic albums "Entertainment" and "Solid Gold" will play the Commodore on May 7th. Ticket info, when it arrives. (thanks to Yuki for the headsup)
Kathleen Edwards is on Letterman tonight in support of her new album, Back to Me, which is out today. The record features Jim James and Jim Bryson, who lend backing vocals on a pair of tracks.
On an unrelated to music note, you should go check out the Animation Show at the Ridge this weekend. Think of Spike and Mike's if it didn't suck now. The show is curated by Mike Judge and Don Hertzfeldt and features Don's first non-comedic animated short, "the Meaning of Life". I saw it last night at a showing/q&a at UBC, and it was splendid. The show runs Fri/Sat/Sun: 7:30/9:30 nightly, with a 5:30 matinee on Sunday.
now playing: Gang of Four - Anthrax