Tuesday, May 31, 2005
don't think twice, it's all right
Dylan tickets are on internet presale now. Password is "wreck." $89.50(orchestra/lowerbalcony)/$69.50(upperbalcony)... as much as I'd like to go, I think I'll have to pass for that much money.
Also, Pearl Jam has all but sold out. There may be some singles available in the upper bowl, but that's about it. No word on whether they plan to add another show before September 2nd.
now playing: the Undertones - Teenage Kicks
i can tell that we are going to be friends
the White Stripes are set to play a two night stand at the Orpheum, August 7th and 8th. Jack and Meg are also rumoured to be following next week's release of Get Behind Me Satan with another version of the entire album recorded live in a few months. Ticket info when I can find it.
Lyrics Born returns to Vancouver on September 18th, playing Richard's.
Terminal City will be doing another all day end of summer festival on Labour Day this year, in Victory Square. So far Pink Mountaintops, Book of Lists, and Ladyhawk are set to perform.
Also, don't forget to check out Book of Lists next Saturday (the 11th) at the Lamplighter for their cd release... apparently Ladyhawk is playing Pat's the same night. Oh decisions, decisions.
Finally, you may want to check out Hivemerge this Saturday (the 4th). Located in "the heart of Vancouver," Hivemerge brings together local music and art to give Vancity's nightlife a kick in the ass for one evening a year. For more information and to find the location on the day of the event, call 604-682-3269 ext. 7864.
now playing: Liars - Grown men don't fall in the river, just like that
After debating it til about 30 minutes before show time, I went to see Caribou (Manitoba) tonight. Turned out to be a pretty good move. Dan Snaith's dream pop gets its intensity level turned up a notch live thanks to two drummers, and the videos that are projected behind the band ain't to shabby either. The crowd was tremendous, and Dan noted several times that we were "the best show of the tour." All in all, I'm glad I didn't opt to stay home.

Junior Boys played before Caribou. I don't know what I'm not getting, but I can't hear what all the fuss is about. Down tempo, less tuneful Postal Service... great. They weren't as boring live, but certainly didn't convert me.

Russian Futurists opened the show, and while they lacked stage presence (playing behind a wall of keyboards will do that), I really enjoyed their quirky brand of pop, and wish they'd had a little longer to play.
now playing: the Nice Boys - You Won't See Me Anymore
Monday, May 30, 2005
you better look out below

I made the trek down to last year's Sasquatch Music Festival, and was more than happy with the decision to make the 6 hour trip. Last year, however, had nothing on this year's festival. After leaving Vancouver at around 6:45, I arrived on site around noon for what would be 12 hours of great live music. The heat was a little much earlier in the day, but their was plenty of access to free water, and security even passed some bottles out to the crowd throughout the afternoon. The crowd, especially considering its size, was also surprisingly well behaved. I don't think I saw a single altercation, or anybody getting kicked out. A big thumbs up to the organizers, they really outdid themselves this year.

The first band I managed to catch was Bloc Party. "This year's Franz Ferdinand" put on a great set, and were full of energy despite the heat. The sun didn't stop the crowd from getting into it either. The band had some technical difficulties, but still managed to impress anybody who was smart enough to show up early.

After Bloc Party, I hung around for two songs from Jem. The Welsh songstress was dressed for the weather, and while I can't say I'm a huge fan, the two songs I did hear were pretty good.

I left Jem's set early and made my first trek to the second stage to catch Montreal's the Dears. Their music is probably better suited to a dark club, or at the very least night time, but their set was still quite enjoyable. "Lost in the Plot" was fabulous, and "End of a Hollywood Bedtime Story" rocked way harder than on record.

I stuck around the sidestage to catch AC Newman. The band was in good spirits, unfornately the same can't be said for the sound. The shiny powerpop was a little lost in the mix... on the other hand, check out those shorts.

I cut out on Carl's set early and made my way back to the mainstage in anticipation for the Arcade Fire, arriving in time to see some of Ray Lamontagne. He was incredibly soft spoken, and not the most engaging guy in the world. On the other hand, his voice is amazing, and his songs ain't too shabby either. I don't know if I would've enjoyed a full set as much, but I was really impressed with the three songs (including current single "Trouble") that I did manage to catch.

The Arcade Fire had flown in from a gig in Barcelona that day, but it certainly didn't show. Opening with "Wake Up," everyone's favourite hype band lived up to all the attention they've been getting. After seeing them twice in smaller venues this winter, I was a little skeptical about their live show translating as well in a larger setting. After about two minutes any doubt was gone. In fact, because of the time constraints, the band jettisoned some of the slower numbers they usually play, which meant it was balls to the wall for 45 minutes straight. I think the energy and attitude the band displays live is part of what makes them so good, and they seemed to be having a fuckin' blast. The crowd went nuts... rightfully so.

Wilco are one of my favourite bands... ever. But, there was no way they could follow the Arcade Fire. Nor would I expect that kind of show from them. While they're quite good live, they're not a band that really wins you over in person if you've had no previous exposure to them. The songs are intricately arranged, there are no bells and whistles (or motorcycle helmets), and for the most part, I think Wilco are act that you really get into by sitting down and hearing an album. That being said, they definitely weren't disappointing, although I would've liked to have heard a few more pre-Yankee Hotel Foxtrot tracks.

After Wilco, Kanye West took the stage. And, judging by the amount of people who had started to crowd onto the floor, a sizable percentage of the audience had been waiting for him. I've often been a little underwhelmed by hip hop acts live, but Kanye was electric. The crowd, who were amped, helped as well. Opening with Diamonds, the lead off single to his forthcoming album, he stuck to the hits, while his DJ spun a few classic tracks (some of which were sampled on the College Dropout) between songs. Oh.. and his DJ was noneother than former DMC Champion DJ A-Trak!. Along with the Arcade Fire, Kanye was definitely one of the festival highlights for me, so it was hard to tear myself away early to make it in time to catch Joanna Newsom on the second stage.

Ms. Newsom was about halfway through her set when I made it to the side stage, and I was pleasantly surprised when I was still able to catch my three favourites of her songs ("Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie" "Peach, Plum, Pear" and "This Side of the Blue") as well as a jaw dropping harp arrangment of "Inflammatory Writ." The crowd was incredibly attentive. While there was cheering between songs it was almost silent while she played, amazingly.

I took a pass on Modest Mouse, and was actually only intent on getting something to eat when I stumbled upon another show highlight, and the biggest surprise of the day while lined up for overpriced, crappy, pizza. I had originally planned on checking out the Frames, but by that point in the day the only reason I was lucky enough to catch them was because of close proximity of their stage to the Domino's. The line up for food took 20 minutes or so, and in that time I was completely won over, taking a seat on the lawn to watch the rest of their set. It's hard to say what was so great about them, but I hope you'll trust me and take my advice to check them out live when you get the opportunity.
After the Frames set ended I caught the tale end of Modest Mouse, and watched the Pixies from the comfort of the lawn. The indie rock legends were no fuss, opening with "In Heaven" and charging through a set that included all the requisite hits, with few words to the audience. Nothing mindblowing, but a great way to end an amazing day.
I've got a ton more of my Sasquatch pictures up here. Please don't direct link.

I stayed overnight in Seattle. And, after shopping for some records (and finding the Slow record at a bargain price!), caught an instore by Architecture in Helsinki. I'll cut this post short, and simply say that if you're in Vancouver and you know what's good for you, you're already planning to catch the Australian octet on Tuesday at the Media Club.
Time for bed.
now playing: Ray Lamontagne - Trouble
Friday, May 27, 2005
with your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Sasquatch itinerary:
12:45 - 1:30 Arrive on site, (hopefully) just in time for Bloc Party
1:45 - 2:00 Stick around and watch 1 or 2 songs by Jem
2:00 - 2:45 ...before heading to the sidestage to catch the Dears
Which brings me to my first dilemna of the day. Either:
3:00 - 3:45 AC Newman or 2:45 - 3:30 Ray Lamontagne
I definitely like Carl more, but I've seen him before, and watching Lamontagne on the mainstage means getting a better spot for
3:45 - 4:30 Arcade Fire
5:00 - 6:30 and one of my favourite bands ever, Wilco
Dilemna #2...
7:00 - 7:45 Kanye West
I think I'll skip out on Kanye 15 minutes early, and catch the last 3/4's of the lovely
7:45 - 8:30 Joanna Newsom's set.
8:45 - 9:45 Defintely skipping Modest Mouse in favour of the Frames... although I think I may want to eat something at this point in the day... in fact, I probably should.
10:30 - 12:00 Because I want to catch all of the Pixies... even though they probably aren't playing anything I haven't heard the last two times I saw them.
For those of you keeping score at home, that's almost 12 straight hours of music. It's going to be a good day.
On Sunday, my carmates and I are sticking around in Seattle and plan on checking out Architecture in Helsinki's instore at Sonic Boom Records.
On an entirely unrelated note, yesterday I met Raffi. He sang, among other favourites, the brand new verse for the 25th Anniversary rerecording of the children's classic, "Baby Beluga." Some would say this isn't as exciting as those NYC bloggers who get invited to White Stripes' album listening parties. I respectfully disagree.
No updates til Sunday night... or maybe Monday.
Have a good weekend.
now playing: Wilco - Ashes of American Flags
Thursday, May 26, 2005
trash flavored trash
Head Wound City features Yeah Yeah Yeahs guitarist (and Bright Eyes/TVoTR/Blood Brothers guest axe slinger) Nick Zinner, Jordan Blilie and Cody Votolato from Blood Brothers, and the Locust's Justin Pearson and Gabe Serbian. Head Wound City makes thrashy hardcore. Head Wound City will likely illicit the same opinions that the members' full time gigs do: you'll love them or think they make horrendous noise. I quite like it, although I still think the Locust is horrendous noise. Their debut EP should be out in three months, and was according to Three One G, "written and recorded in a week's time. (That same week you stayed inside mostly, jacking off to Suicide Girls and IMing your idiot friends.)"
Check out an mp3 courtesy of the label here.
For the record, Suicide Girls is a little too goth for my tastes. Also, my friend Matt just said this about the Locust, and I feel I have to share: "I think the Locust just emulates the sound white belts make in the wild." Truer words have never been spoken.
Apostle of Hustle play the Red Room June 21st. Tix on sale now for a mere $10 + charges.
This year's Vancouver Folk Fest is shaping up to be pretty decent. I'm usually scared away by the combination of drum toting hippies and SUV driving Kitsalano yuppies, but I think I might endure Friday (July 15th) night this year. So far, Feist, Sarah Harmer, and Buck 65 are scheduled to perform.
The Calgary Folk Fest ups the ante by hosting Wilco's Jeff Tweedy. Stupid Calgary.
now playing: Sleater-Kinney - Modern Girl
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
will you smile again for me?
Some kind soul was nice enough to tape and upload last Friday's Trail of Dead show to the archive.org. It's in .flac, so you'll need to go here to get a plugin/decoder.
Add Le Tigre to the bill of that overpriced Beck show discussed yesterday... still not worth it me thinks, but I'm tempted.
The Black Keys hit Richard's September 14th.
Aimee Mann plays the Commodore on August 5th.
If you hip kittens out there need some new summer wear, Threadless is selling all their t-shirts for $10 USD. For the love of god don't buy that one with the girl blowing her head off and the blood becoming butterflies. (via Copy, Right?)
If you're still not convinced that you should buy the new Sleater-Kinney record from everyone raving about it, you can stream it here, and convince yourself. (via Stereogum)
Finally, a reminder that Ryan Adams is on Letterman tonight, and a headsup that M.I.A. is on Conan this Friday.
now playing: the Constantines - Raw Youth (Royal City cover)
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
testament to youth in verse
the New Pornographers play the Commodore September 23rd. I'm always thrilled to see the Vancouver "supergroup," but making this even more exciting is the fact that Destroyer is scheduled as the headliner. Dan Bejar usually likes to avoid performing with his pornographic bandmates, but seeing as he'll be there anyhow, chances are he'll sing a couple.
Jason Collett is scheduled to open June 25th's Lucinda Williams show. (Thanks Shea)
If you haven't already done so, go and pick up the new Sleater-Kinney record, the Woods. You should go do it asap. Pitchfork likes it so much they decided not to post the review today. Even though the record is among their best, a big f-you goes out to Sub Pop for making the cd+dvd version import only in Canada.
now playing: Belle and Sebastian - Put the Book Back on the Shelf
Monday, May 23, 2005
mixed business
Beck hits up the Queen E. Theatre on July 14th. The internet presale starts Thursday at 4pm (to Friday at 6pm), with the regular onsale starting at 10am on Saturday. Tickets are $49.00 + charges. (thanks Jordan)
Despite the fact that Mr. Hansen is extremely entertaining live, I think I saw him twice on the Sea Change tour, and I'm not really digging Guero, so I'll probably pass. That being said, if he starts touring with a backing band that is more like his Midnite Vultures touring band (guitar, bass, keys, horns, DJ Swamp), it just might be worth checking out.
WhiteStripes.net has the "Blue Orchid" video up for download. A friend of a friend pointed out how this song totally cops Death from Above 1979, and I think he's right... it's still awesome though. The video features some wierd stop motion effects, when animals attack, and beautiful beautiful Meg eating a plate. Creepy? yes. Excellent? yes. But Jack... Johnny Depp called, he wants his Pirates of the Carribean costume back.
Scenestars is streaming the album. Everybody has mp3's up... except for me.
Ryan Adams is on Letterman this Wednesday night.
Local favourites Book of Lists release the six-song Red Arrows EP on June 7th. Go and buy it.
now playing: Cat Power - I Found a Reason (VU Cover)
Saturday, May 21, 2005
it's only electric

...and you will know us by the trail of dead graduated from the cozy confines of Richard's tonight, laying waste to the Commodore with (International) Noise Conspiracy in tow.
Everyone's favourite Scandinavian socialist's opened the show, drawing mostly from their forever delayed (at least in N. America) fourth full-length, Armed Love. The Conspiracy bring every rock cliche in the book (not to mention everything that is trendy about Socialist kitsch), but they pull it off well. I always wondered why the Hives got so popular while the (I)NC are still relatively under the radar when the latter seem so much better at doing the politically infused garage punk thing.




As with last time they rolled into Vancouver, Trail of Dead opened with one of the better tracks from their latest lacklustre effort, "Will You Smile Again for Me," before forging ahead with a cut from Source Tags and Codes, and then two more from World's Apart. The new songs don't do much for me on record, but like everything else the band does, they soar live. Older tracks also got a kick in the ass from the extra drummer the band now utilizes live. As usual, the material off of Madonna were the highlights for me. "A Perfect Teenhood" screamed, and "Totally Natural" was punctuated by Jason Reece jumping (right over me) into the crowd. The set ended with the band pulling anyone they could up on stage as they smashed their way through "Richter Scale Madness." Oh... and of course, they broke shit.

Conrad Keely

Danny Wood

Kevin Allen

Jason Reece
now playing: the Microphones - I Felt Your Shape
Friday, May 20, 2005
after the flood
Dylan hits the Orpheum July 19th and 20th. Willie Nelson opens both dates. Tickets go on sale June 4th at 10am, and will probably set you back a small fortune... but it's Dylan! I need to sell some blood or something. (thanks Sean)
Pearl Jam tickets go on regular on-sale next Saturday (May 28th) at 10am for $59.50. Fanclub ticketing is now over, so this is your only shot at getting seats to the band's Canada only tour.
A rip of the vinyl promo copies of the new White Stripes is now circulating. I'm going to wait til the June 7th release date, but if you're dying to hear it, you can definitely find it with a little searching.
Ryan Adams has re-launched his website with a whole bunch of fancy flash content to go along with his new album.
And contrary to the blasphemous reaction to my last post, the Smiths are still better than Joy Division.
now playing: Sufjan Stevens - The One I Love (REM Cover - live)
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
and she turned to me and took me by the hand and said, "i've lost control again"
Ian Curtis committed suicide 25 years ago today. In rememberance, here's Xiu Xiu covering "Ceremony."
download: Xiu Xiu - Ceremony (Joy Division Cover)
Kylie Minogue has pulled out of Glastonbury, after revealing that she has breast cancer. I hope you all join me in wishing her a speedy recovery.
In less morbid news, Eels play the Vogue on June 18th, and PGMG hit Sonar on the 26th.
Finally, in anticipation of Friday's ...and you will know us by the trail of dead show, I direct you to the fabulous TrailOfDead.org, where you can download a ton of live video/audio to whet your appetite.
Oh, and if you didn't notice I changed the header image. Thoughts? better? worse? who cares?
now playing: Cage feat. El-P, Aesop Rock, Camu Tao, Tame One and Yak Ballz - Left it to Us
Sunday, May 15, 2005
it was better before, before they voted for whatshisname
From Blown Speakers goes political for a couple days. If you're in British Columbia make sure you get out and vote on Tuesday.
Some extremely biased information resources for you (my blog, my bias):
the Tyee's election blog
STV for BC
Understanding STV
Get Your Vote On
...and just so this place isn't completely deviod of music, here's a recording of X's John Doe and Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder performing the X classic "New World" at an acoustic in-store session at Seattle's Easy Street Records.
download: John Doe and Eddie Vedder - New World (live at Easy Street Records)
Regularly scheduled content will most likely resume on Wednesday, unless something amazing happens in the next two days.
now playing: Meat Whiplash - Don't Slip Up
Saturday, May 14, 2005
city slick
The schedule for next week's Music Waste 2005 is up. Started in 1994 as a response to NewMusicWest (which is apparently back in April '06, and hopefull not as shitty as last year), Music Waste is a weekend long, multi-venue festival, showcasing some of Vancouver's best and brightest local indie talents. Unfortunately for me most of the bands I want to see are playing the same day as the ...and you will know us by the trail of dead/(International) Noise Conspiracy spectacular, but I think I might try to catch Ladyhawk, depending on when the show gets out.
And in the spirit of the festival, here are some local bands that may or may not be worth checking out and upcoming shows (in parenthesis):
Bakelite (May 20th @ the Lamplighter)
Bella (May 22nd @ Pub 340)
Black Mountain/Pink Mountaintops (September 5th @ Victory Square (as PM))
Black Rice
Blood Meridian (June 1st @ Richards)
Bontempi (May 22nd @ the Media Club)
Book of Lists (June 11th @ the Lamplighter)
Channels 2+3/3+4 (May 21st @ the Lamplighter (2+3))
Dandi Wind (they fucked off to Montreal)
Elizabeth (May 20th @ the Anza Club)
Frog Eyes
Ladyhawk (May 20th @ Pat's Pub)
the Nasty On (anybody know what's up with them?)
the Organ
Primes (May 20th @ the Lamplighter - cd release)
Radio Berlin (on hiatus)
Secret Mommy (Andy's blowing minds/confusing Europeans in Europe)
S.T.R.E.E.T.S. (May 21st @ the Butchershop)
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (May 20th @ the Waldorf)
Three Inches of Blood (on tour in Europe)
Veda Hille
You Say Party, We Say Die (May 20th @ the Pit)
now playing: the Red Light Sting - Those Bees All Have Paws
Thursday, May 12, 2005
bullets with butterfly wings
Billy Corgan hits the Commodore on July 19th. Can't say that I've been overly excited about anything he's done post-Pumpkins, but you can here a new track at his MySpace page and judge for yourself.
Black Eyed Peas play in Burnaby's Dear Lake Park on July 22nd. Can't say that I've been remotely excited about anything they've done lately... but Talib Kweli is opening.
Architecture in Helsinki play at a Venue to be announced on May 31st.. man that seems like short notice. (thank Britt)
Can't say that I know anything about them.
EDIT: They're playing the Media Club (thanks Shea)
Finally, Radiohead are looking to finish recording their new album in December, with a February/March 2006 tentative release date. Read: Summer 2006 if we're lucky. (via AtEaseWeb)
now playing: Emiliana Torrini - Sunny Road
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
...but i was there

In what is sure to be the only thing that can pack more hype into one show than Bloc Party's Vancouver debut earlier this year, LCD Soundsystem hit the Commodore Ballroom tonight with Miss Maya "M.I.A." Arulpragasam in tow.
M.I.A. hit the stage first with Diplo behind the decks, accompanied by a hype-woman/back-up singer. Diplo warmed up the crowd by "scratching" altered video of George Bush and Tony Blair, making Dubya answer every one of Tony the Tiger's queries with "M-I-A," before dropping the beat to "Pull up the People." From there M.I.A., who simply oozed charisma, spit verses as Diplo flipped the beats from Arular with various instrumentals on the fly. The crowd was rabid... seriously. When they left the stage after "Galang" the response was so loud Diplo returned to ask "want one more?" to an even louder cheer from the audience. So, in very uncharacteristic fashion, the opener encored.

LCD Soundsystem had their work cut out for them, but from the opening notes of an amped up "Beat Connection," it was clear that the headliners weren't about to be shown up. James Murphy and co. ripped through some of the singles, cuts from their self-titled full length, and a Siouxsie and the Banshees cover, with the main set climax of "Tribulations" "Movement" and "Losing My Edge" back to back being my personal highlight. Murphy, who downed a half a dozen beers and a handful of pills during the show, screamed like a man possessed, while the Commodore dance floor looked more like a disco than a rock club.

James Murphy

Phil Mossman

a slightly fuzzy Nancy Whang

James again
Unfortunately, by the time the show ended the line up at Celebrities was huge... but if anybody managed to check it out, by all means, give me the lowdown.
now playing: Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl (Diplo Mix)
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
piracy funds terrorism
A little short notice but...

Diplo spins at the LCD Soundsystem/M.I.A. afterparty at Celebrities. Word on the street is that James Murphy is one of the "unannounced special guests." If you for some reason don't want to cough up the $35 to see the show, make sure you scrounge up eight bucks for this. Hopefully Diplo spins his Maps remix.
Also, if you didn't already hear, the Stones announced their 05-06 World Tour dates today, after a three song free outdoor set in NYC. If you were ready to pony up hundreds of dollars to see the deadest guys in rock n roll tear through their formidable back catalogue you'll have to pony up a little more for travel costs. The band forgoes Vancouver, hitting Seattle on October 30th and Calgary (yeah.. Calgary) on October 28th.
now playing: Tinchy Strider - Underground
Sunday, May 08, 2005
at home he's a tourist

Apparently only 500 or so tickets were sold for the Gang of Four's reunion show at the Commodore this evening, with the venue giving away upwards of 300 tickets in an attempt to fill the place. That would explain why openers Menomena played to a sparsely populated room, but didn't stop whomever showed up from crowding to the front during the headliner's set and thrashing about like it was 1979. The originators of "punk-funk" (or whatever you want to call it), look their age, but they certainly don't act it. Jon King flailed his arms, crawled, rolled, even pseudo break danced, while Dave Allen and Andy Gill bounded from one side of the stage to the other, Hugo Burnham keeping the beat the entire time. The band stuck to its best material, pulling only from the two classics Solid Gold and Entertainment!, trotting out pretty much everything I was wanting to hear. "Damaged Goods" and "I Found That Essence Rare" in the encores brought the house down.
I was right in the thick of things, so there wasn't much quality photo opportunity, but here are a few snaps... in arty black and white no less.

yes, Jon King is hitting a microwave with a bat in that picture. It was hiding under a towel for half the gig, and a roadie came out half way through the smashing to set it back properly on the table... simultaneously ridiculously awesome and ridiculously lame.
now playing: Slow - Have Not Been the Same
Saturday, May 07, 2005
what comes after the blues?

Went to see Magnolia Electric Co. tonight, in night two of a three show run for me. Jason Molina and company stuck mainly to songs of their newest, What Comes After the Blues, but also threw in a couple of new ones, and to my delight, three tracks off of the Songs:Ohia swansong that the band takes its name from. The three guitar twang on "Just Be Simple" alone would've made my night.
On a semi-related note, if you are any of the three obnoxious drunks standing beside me yelling "songs: ohia!" so much that Molina felt the need to interupt "Texas 71" with a "no, magnolia electric co." 1) None of you can sing. 2) Girl in the DFA1979 shirt, you are extremely unattractive. Yelling uncontrollably during the quiet parts only serves to bring attention to you. This is bad. 3) If you're going to talk over the music for half the show, please stay home. <./rant>

Jason Molina and Jason Groth

Mike Kapinus

Jason Groth
Local boys Ladyhawk opened the show. They've been around for awhile, but today was the first time I've seen them. They actually sound quite a lot like Magnolia Electric Co, albeit a little louder during the loud parts. Really great band, go check them out when you get the chance, I know I will.

In other unrelated news, the Autechre show originally scheduled for the Commodore has NOT been cancelled. It has however, been moved to Richard's. Commodore tickets are good for the new venue.
now playing: Feist - Now At Last
Friday, May 06, 2005
losing california

I don't own a single Sloan album (although I do intend on buying their recently released greatest hits cd/dvd tomorrow). That, however, didn't stop me from loving every minute of the band's one and a half hour set tonight. Sloan is one of those bands that you grow up with (at least in Canada) listening to on the radio, and not surprisingly, this meant that I felt right at home with the Sloan faithful for 90% of the time, bouncing around and singing along. Their set consisted, predictably, mostly of their numerous radio staples, but the band also kept the diehards happy by throwing in some classic album cuts, and a few live rarities.

Andrew Scott

Chris Murphy

Patrick Pentland

Jay Ferguson
Fellow Torontonians (Sloan migrated from Halifax a few years ago) Magneta Lane opened. I've had their debut EP for awhile and am suitably impressed it. Live, the ladies pulled off the sound of the record fairly well, but seemed a little overwhelmed by the room. Still, their a band that's very much worth checking out if they roll through your town.

Lexi Valentine

Nadia King

now playing: Sloan - Everything You've Done Wrong
Thursday, May 05, 2005
seven swans
Sufjan Stevens plays Richard's on July 24th, hot on the heels of the July 5th release of Illinois. Is Sufjan really still doing that 50 states album thing? Won't he be 100 when he finishes at this rate?
After emailing the promoters of the Rilo Kiley show, I'm sorry to announce that Feist will NOT be opening the show here. If you want to catch her, you'll have to make the trek down to Seattle the day before the Vancouver show. Apologies to anyone that got excited after they read the erroneous news here. I blame Pollstar... and Rilo Kiley, who still have Feist listed as their support for "6/13-6/19."
Finally, according to Press Enterprise, Trent doesn't write his own songs anymore. check it out. (via Product Shop)
Sloan w/Magneta Lane tonite, Magnolia Electric Co tomorrow, Gang of Four Saturday... lots of pictures/reviews to come.
now playing: Blood Brothers - Under Pressure (Queen w/David Bowie cover)
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
it could begin and end in one evening
The Pollstar listing of Feist as the support act for the upcoming Rilo Kiley show has unceremoniously disappeared. Leslie is still listed on Rilo Kiley's site as support for Vancouver, however. I emailed the promoters, and will hopefully have an answer for you all shortly.
As Sean kindly noted in the comments from my last entry, former Pavement front man, Stephen Malkmus will play Richard's on June 19th. You can stream his forthcoming full-length, Face the Truth at the Matador Records site. In related news, Stereogum points us to Matador's "fuck you" to Paste Magazine over their refusal to run Matador's ad for the record.
Finally, add Pretty Girls Make Graves to the list of Bumbershoot confirmations.
now playing: Bloc Party - Pioneers (M83 Remix)
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
it's time to begin as the summer sets in
Pollstar reports that Feist is playing with Rilo Kiley at their previously announced June 16th show at Richard's. This excites me quite a bit, as I missed the (now) two time Juno winner when she came to town last with the Exclaim tour. Question: how exactly does someone with two albums under her belt get nominated to be "best new artist?"
In other opening band news, Camper Van Beethoven are scheduled to open for Modest Mouse at their pair of upcoming shows at the Queen E. Theatre.
More Bumbershoot acts confirmed: Son Volt, the Decemberists, Karen Ann, Tift Merritt, Ted Leo/RX, Digable Planets, Billy Preston, and the Be Good Tanyas, join Devo (previously announced) at the end of summer Seattle music fest.
now playing: Magnolia Electric Co. - Give Something Else Away Everyday
Ryan Adams released the first of three 2005 albums today. Cold Roses is just what I needed to listen to today, and also his best since his classic debut, Heartbreaker, in my humble opinion. You can still stream the entire album at official site. I'll refrain from going into detailed description of it, as that's being done all over the place already. I will, however, point you to this Pitchfork review that apparently isn't hitting the mainpage til tomorrow.
My friend Matt pointed out this drool-worthy piece of software for any of you album (like actual physical albums) loving Mac users out there. Delicious Library lets you scan in your entire record collection using ISight and catalogues everything (covers, tracklisting, etc) automatically. 750 albums in an hour!
Last but not least, Josh sent me this link to a group of people who want to reform Canadian Content rules. It probably needs a little weight behind it before it'll get off the ground, but go check out the site and sign the petition now. Tell your friends.
now playing: Ryan Adams - Now That You're Gone
When the president talks to God
Are the conversations brief or long?
Does he ask to rape our women's rights
And send poor farm kids off to die?
Does God suggest an oil hike
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
Are the consonants all hard or soft?
Is he resolute all down the line?
Is every issue black or white?
Does what God say ever change his mind
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
Does he fake that drawl or merely nod?
Agree which convicts should be killed?
Where prisons should be built and filled?
Which voter fraud must be concealed
When the president talks to God?
When the president talks to God
I wonder which one plays the better cop
We should find some jobs. the ghetto's broke
No, they're lazy, George, I say we don't
Just give 'em more liquor stores and dirty coke
That's what God recommends
When the president talks to God
Do they drink near beer and go play golf
While they pick which countries to invade
Which Muslim souls still can be saved?
I guess god just calls a spade a spade
When the president talks to God
When the president talks to God
Does he ever think that maybe he's not?
That that voice is just inside his head
When he kneels next to the presidential bed
Does he ever smell his own bullshit
When the president talks to God?
I doubt it
I doubt it
Say what you will about Conor Oberst, say what you will about the cowboy outfit he was sporting, and say what you will about the musical side of the lone chord that makes up "When the President Talks to God." But playing a song like that on American National television, is a ballsy move.
"When the President Talks to God" is still available as a free download from ITunes.
Prefix Magazine has the video up.
now playing: Sonic Youth - Youth Against Fascism
Sunday, May 01, 2005
oh canada, we played all night.

I went to the third of three co-headlining Weakerthans/Constantines shows here in Vancouver tonight(my second, their third). The Cons changed the setlist up substantially for their set, which is always nice for those of us who like to go to multiple shows. They played two or three more songs from their next album, which is due out in the Fall on Three Gut (Sub Pop for those of you across the border). If the live versions are any indication, it'll be the third (fourth if you count the EP) in a line of great records from London, Ontario's finest.
The Weakerthans stuck mostly to the same set as last night, rotating in "Utilities" (a cut track from the Reconstruction Site days) for newie "Night Windows," with "One Great City" being replaced by my personal favourite Weakerthans number, "My Favourite Chords." The portion of the encore where the Cons were invited back onstage saw both bands (as well as the guy who sells the AK Press books on tour, and a couple of members of the opening band) once again tearing through the Travelling Wilburys' "End of the Line," but also featured a cover of "Don't Be Denied" (by Neil Young).

John K shows his solidarity with the Constantines, joining them on guitar for their opening number

Dallas Wehrle

Don't be denied
After the Weakerthans/Cons extravaganza my concert mates and I hightailed it from Richard's to the Commodore, where the Decemberists were making up their postponed March date. When we arrived the band had already made it through three or four songs (who goes on at 10pm at the Commodore on a Saturday? Honestly), but the remainder of the set was worth far more than the price of a ticket, so no complaints. This marked the fourth time I've seen the band and they finally played "Grace Catherdral Hill," although they focused on the material of Picaresque, encoring with a fantastic version of "The Mariner's Revenge Song." It was also the first show I've seen since Petra Hayden joined the band on violin. Needless to say, she's a welcomed addition to the group, filling out the sound on both new and old tunes. The crowd was great and the band seemed in really good spirits as well, so Colin was even coaxed out after the house music had come on to give us a solo treatment of "Red Right Ankle."
Since I arrived late, I was pretty far away, so my pictures are a little shoddy.

Petra Hayden

Colin Meloy

Petra and Jenny Conlee

Colin takes a breather
now playing: Ryan Adams - Twice As Bad As Love